Jedi Revan [Guide - Complete]

13 posts Member
edited October 2018
Hello there....
(Please pardon me, if I made some grammatical mistakes in this post. My English is kind of weak subject.)

So, let's start the topic.
Guys, as we know that, CG post a quiz about new character coming in this game. The quiz is very complicated and little tricky. But for an Engineer like me, it may be easy to solve.
As I am a die heart fan of Star Wars, I like to explore whole galaxy and I know those words written in that quiz.
First of all, look at the quiz that is posted by CG.

** The real post can be found here.

You know how to solve it by watching some famous YouTuber of SWGoH. In this quiz, the letters which are written in Star Wars own letters. Those alphabets and numbers are known as Aurebesh. Aurebesh are known by many names, as it was first published in 1996 and work continue till 2012. And I think, the work will be continue forever.

One of our YouTuber "AhnaldT101" solved that puzzle. And one of the post shows us how to solve that quiz, by converting it to respective Hex value and then by converting them into ASCII value.
It's actual Hex value conversion is little Mathematical question and I am not in a mood of solving or teaching that method. I am assuming that, you guys know how to convert Hex to ASCII.

But those talks are old. Aren't they?? Yes, of course they are. Those post have many comments. (Let see how many likes and comments I get on this post ;):D ).

Now, the real question how Jedi Revan will be farmed or unlocked in this game. I will try to share my point of view, but the future conditions may be changed. I don't know, what CG plans to do. And if my intentions are matched with CG then it is mother of coincidence. I am just a normal user.

My point of view:
I think, Jedi Revan would be Marquee again which you can unlock him at 3*. Jedi Revan is a powerful warrior from Old Republic times. As he won over Mandelorians. But still, Jedi Revan is not much powerful than Darth Revan. His dark side of the force is very special. He servered under mysterious hidden Empire under Emperor Vitiate. Revan seduced to the Dark Side, as there are many reason for that, like he seeks always power. His Master is Kreia (formally known as Darth Traya). And he learned from her very quickly, and then he learned from different masters. And become a former Jedi Knight at very young age.

So, according to my point from above paragraph is that, Jedi Revan would be Marquee so you don't have to work on Old Republic characters like Bastila and other.

I think, there will be a Legendary Event after that. This time, you will get Legendary player as Darth Revan. In this legendary event, I think, it would be like CLS or JTR Legendary event. A journey to become Dark Lord of Sith. (Although, the story is little different how he become Dark Lord of Siths. But in his story the main characters are Alek (formally known as Darth Malak). Bastila become Jedi Master when Revan becomes Darth Revan and in Jedi Civil War Revan ship is surprisingly destroyed but Bastila saved him through the force ad later Revan mind is vanished and make him return to the Light Side again. (Of course, Jedi council and Republic Council have long debet on this). But Revan is turned again to Dark Side after he left his wife Bastila and his unborn baby to find some answer of his visions and finally he turned to Dark Side again, but he died by light side spirit of Revan aided the coalition in defeating the dark Revan on Yavin 4. So, in that case Darth Revan Legendary event would be like Thrawn(with special team Phoenix to defeat him)

But that is not my point, I was just saying that, Jedi Revan will be a Marquee Event and another Legendary event will be like Thrawn event that a particular team (here Bastila lead old republic 5 team that are currently available for farming). Or it may also be a Heroic Journey of Jedi Revan to become Dark Lord of Sith to make "Order of Revan".ow

I am not pretty sure about it, as Darth Revan will come in this game or not, but I am 99% sure that he will come. I don't know, why or how. But, my intuition are saying that, it will be happen as I planned. ;)


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