toonz abilities

Im actually doing daring droid tier3 and its only an exemple cuz there's other event in that situation. How are we supposed to know what are the abilities of the ennemy toonz doing (ex: daring droid tier3 vader does daze with force crush and doesnt seems to have more then 1 tur cd.... is it a CHEATED ability from the event or a passive from the scout?? It would be nice to see ennemy abilities like with raid boss, and if they are CHEATED ability well plz stop that crap..... vader is vader no matter whom or what plays it.... that goes for other already playable toonz that ur putting in events that have CHEATED abilities.... ya i went hard with the cheated stuff but how are we suppose to play strategically if we dont know how works the ennemies toonz..... or work differently then the exact same one i got.....


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