P4.1 with NS Nihilus goes God Mode?

I encountered this the 2nd time now since Zombie Rework. All runs fine and after half an hour of fight, the game starts stuttering and Nihilus goes God Mode. I can sustain my TM Train, but his Protection is impossible to destroy. Phone is Xperia Xz1, so not antique. Noone tell me please, this is from his Prot Drain... it definately isn't. It works all fine till I smacked him ~20% on T6 away and then He goes IDDQD. Someone has similar problems?
Here some Screenshots, where you can see he doesn't get any lower while BoW gains a lot of stacks


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    PS. This possibly comes from Feed the void, when he has still minions standing from Sion. But the text says he gains twice the protection of the damage dealt. Since the minions are easy oneshots for Ventress at this time, I can't imagine it is a number that could have such an impact.
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    I've seen this happen as well. After taking a ton of turns, if you lose tempo, DN can gain MASSIVE amounts of protection, in the multiple millions. I don't know why this happens. If you keep hitting him, you can _eventually_ get through his protection. Worthwhile to file a bug report on.
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