Geo soldier or dooku

48 posts Member
edited March 2016
I will have geo at 6* tomorrow. My understanding is that data miners have seen that he will not scale well when the level cap increases. Is this accepted to be the case?
If, so I was going to start farming dooms (currently 5*). What do people think/recommend.

As background I'm consistenly top 50 in arena with the following mains l70 toons
7* lumi, sideous, consular, ig86, ig88, poggle
6* resistance pilot, qui gon
5* Daka, dooku, geo,

Usual arena team: qui gon, lumi, geo, dooku,poggle
Thanks for the advice


  • BenneN5
    13 posts Member
    I have asked myself the same question. I'm basically in the same position as you I don't know anything about the datamining and all, but I will finish GS out first. I mean it doesn't take that long and the update might still take a while. GS is just too useful for me not to completely max him out.
  • Options
    For reference I felt my shard drop rate for GS was about 40% and I feel like my Dooku shard drop rate is about 10%. It's a very irritating grind trying to star up dooku. He's just now at 4 stars.
  • Options
    Dooku also won't improve greatly with the increase. I don't think he gains anymore speed, however the likes of QGJ and Rey will do, and will be faster than dooku. This means that you may as well continue with the GS grind, and finish him before moving over to dooku. Currently, my GS is 61/100 so will be 7* in the next 3-4 days, then I'm going to be going after dooku.
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