So, who's next? [MERGE]


  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Guys lord vitiate turned both darth revan and malak to his side therefore meaning.......
    It cold be dis revan or malak
    Maybe even lord vitiate

    when predicting who is next you have to look at the business motive also (I don't say this a degoratory statement, CG is trying to make money just like everyone else) .
    releasing ds revan journey next doesn't make money because that would mean all the characters needed is already in the game, so take him out. My guess is earliest to see DS revan would be sith February.
    so that leaves characters that will be needed to get DS revan.
  • Terror
    50 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Its Juhani. She went darkside and then lightside after revan turned her back.

    Fits the quote, she was an enemy that Revan turned back who then became a companion.

    People keep saying juhani but I don’t know anything about that chick. I just killed her when she attacked me when I played the first time (and everytime since because I couldn’t bring myself to play lightside). She begged for mercy and I was pure darkside so I did not tolerate that ****.
    My friend played full lightside and was telling about who he used in the game and I was like, “who the f* is juhani?”
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    I hope this makes up for the Epic Fail this weekend with the “bonus” drops where all drops were abysmal. If this is any indication of the road ahead, all aboard the failboat, toot toot!

    Why are clones in the weekly shop?

    In all seriousness, Exar Kun
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    Vinniarth wrote: »
    JaggedJ wrote: »

    Who's the guy whose face looks like it got attacked by a pancake?

    These are selcath (if I spell it right), sapient specie from the Manaan planet (one of the best part in game IMHO).

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    I'd like to buy a vowel.
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    If it's another KOTOR character, I'll gladly pass. Looking forward to more cinematic characters but glad to save time and money until then. I'll just keep gearing up my Chewie.
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    MemeMaster wrote: »
    Jen, the Key for decyphering the Nihilist Cipher, is short for Jen'Jidai, which stands for Dark Jedi Exiles

    In the KOTOR series, Meetra Surik was the Jedi Exile and playable character for the players.

    My suspicion is that Meetra Surik is making an appearance, and it might tie to either dark-side KOTOR toons like Malak and Atton Rand or it will lead to the ancient Exiled Jedi like Ajunta Pall

    Jen means "dark"......and Jidai means "Jedi"....technically, the combined phrase is "Dark Jedi" was used to refer to Dark Jedi who had been exiled from the Jedi Order but "exile" is not actually part of that phrase. Plus, Meetra Surik was never a Dark Jedi. She followed Revan and Malak into the war against the Mandalorians but she turned away from the dark side unlike Revan and Malak and their other followers.
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    Umm what's this have to do with it??? 😕🤕
    Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales
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    Meetra and Alek. Wonderful if Marr got tags, but I thought they said she’ be too powerful then. I guess they could change their mind. Anyway, that would make an OR Jedi team to someday confront and lose to Vitiate in a double heroes journey-like even (double expensive, too) at which point Darth Revan and Darth Malak are yours
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    Exar Kun also comes to mind if we are limiting to Dark Jedi, Old Republic era.
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    The full quote:

    "It is so easy to think that we would never fall prey to such a horror; that we have unlimited control, vigilance and foresight. If only that were true. The Sith have become powerful because there are many Jedi who have succumbed to the lure of the dark side and joined their cause. What greater weapon is there than to turn an enemy to your cause? To use their own knowledge against them? We are weakened while they are strengthened. So we must harden our hearts and do whatever is required to fight against the dark side. Even when the battle becomes wearying."

    The flashback in which it is revealed that you are Revan references this portion of a conversation that you have with Bastila earlier in the game.

    "It is so easy to think that we would never fall prey to such a horror" makes it sound like it could be Dark Bastila.

    "The Sith have become powerful because there are many Jedi who have succumbed to the lure of the dark side and joined their cause" makes it sound like it could be Darth Revan or Darth Malak.

    We already have a Bastila and a Revan, so my money is on Darth Malak, the Jedi who turned to the cause of the Sith and never came back to the light.
  • Jayhew647
    11 posts Member
    edited November 2018
    I hope it’s Malak kinda
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    Jayhew647 wrote: »
    I hope it’s Malak kinda

    Can I ask what you like in him?

    Ive played through the games, but he always seemed like a puppet, who just inherited the title of Dark Lord, not actually a powerful sith himself.
  • TimMarshall
    181 posts Member
    edited November 2018
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    Well said.

    I’m happy for all you Kotor peeps, all these names might as well be in Japanese....I’m still mad that we don’t get a GG rework.
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    Iy4oy4s wrote: »

    Well said.

    I’m happy for all you Kotor peeps, all these names might as well be in Japanese....I’m still mad that we don’t get a GG rework.

    One day :)
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    Darth Malak legendary requiring Sith to unlock makes the most sense to me.
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    Gheyst1214 wrote: »
    Darth Malak legendary requiring Sith to unlock makes the most sense to me.

    Or 5 ds Old republic toons.
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    Gheyst1214 wrote: »
    Darth Malak legendary requiring Sith to unlock makes the most sense to me.

    Doubtful. Too easy to get. But I'd love that since I have 4 sith maxed and another couple at 7 star and decently geared.

    At this point it'd almost have to be marque characters that'll be req for darth revan or malak in feb.

    The timing is right for them to only be farmable if you panic in feb so that would make money.

    So canderous is the only ds leaning companion of revan we don't have. Julani wasn't all that dark except for the beginning. As a companion, she was almost as preachy as bastilla about avoiding the ds and if you go evil she tries to stop you and you kill her and jolee.

    Carth also refuses to join revan if you go dark so not a good option for that.

    Ds bastilla would also work.

    But that still leaves only three toons not five. Maube a marque darth malak to unlock revan? Maybe sith acolyte and sith master. They were generic fallen jedi in kotor which would fit the quote.

    Or if they are nice, you coukd use t3, mission, or zalbar with canderous and hk. In kotor, they can be convinced to keep helping you even if you go dark. But woukd likely not generate enough money.
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    Stop making up legendary (or journey) events while we don't have new characters :D I remember exactly that all sith in February were marquees
    I bet on Malak
    Technically could be Juhani too but then..
    that quote was used in revan's revelation cutscene just after meeting malak and it would be the most appropriate to use it for him.
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    It's a Nihilist cipher. The cipher text is:

    The key is JEN

    The message is: WHAT GREATER WEAPON IS THERE THAN TO TURN AN ENEMY TO YOUR CAUSE **** (bastila shan quote)

    Can we convert JEN to a Color? 10514?
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    Hopefully we get an answer *soon*. Has anyone seen where Crumb or Carrie confirmed anything after that post from newershadow?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Hopefully we get an answer *soon*. Has anyone seen where Crumb or Carrie confirmed anything after that post from newershadow?

    I mean, it’s the weekend, so I doubt they’ve said anything else yet.
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    It would be funny if it was general grievous. Jen being a short for general.
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    It would be funny if it was general grievous. Jen being a short for general.

    While I would also love to see it happen, Carrie confirmed he’s not on their list for a while.
    Ally Code: 357-613-281
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    Just to throw a curve ball...Jedi Luke was not turned by Vader.... Vader turned back to good at the end! Wouldn’t put it past CG for it not to be old republic.
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    gpeeee wrote: »
    If it's another KOTOR character, I'll gladly pass. Looking forward to more cinematic characters but glad to save time and money until then. I'll just keep gearing up my Chewie.

    Kotor story way better than cinematic anything. Tor characters are more meaningful and powerful and look way better. Play Kotor kotet kotfe etc or just yt them. Your loss
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    Road ahead stated original trilogy and puzzles from Crumb.
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