Nihilus lead with Fallen Bastila

Have anyone tried that comp against Revan? I don’t have Traya yet and without Traya Revan will go for Nihilus, but with Fallen Bastia maybe he can survive? Also his leadership gives a lot of offense, and critical hits are difficult to get against Revan teams anyhow?


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    A DN lead cant even defeat any mediocre teams, I would be amazed to see a clip of it beating Revan.
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    It's worth a try. Although Nihilus' lead isn't great for arena, if the +50% defense and tenacity he gets from Fallen Bastila means he'll survive the onslaught, then it will be worth it. The 150% health steal from his leader ability will help as well. Just make him as tanky as possible, with protection and defense primaries.
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    A DN lead cant even defeat any mediocre teams, I would be amazed to see a clip of it beating Revan.

    The new strategy is different from anything else seen before in the arena though. It's all about using the extra defense to make sure Nihilus survives long enough to annihilate Revan.
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    plindboe wrote: »
    A DN lead cant even defeat any mediocre teams, I would be amazed to see a clip of it beating Revan.

    The new strategy is different from anything else seen before in the arena though. It's all about using the extra defense to make sure Nihilus survives long enough to annihilate Revan.

    Sure, by all means, give it a try if youre fancy.
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    I have Traya, so I'm good, thanks.
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    plindboe wrote: »
    A DN lead cant even defeat any mediocre teams, I would be amazed to see a clip of it beating Revan.

    The new strategy is different from anything else seen before in the arena though. It's all about using the extra defense to make sure Nihilus survives long enough to annihilate Revan.

    If nihilus is the constant target for revan then he will never get to annihilate, even if he doesn't die
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    It might work. I used to run DN lead with Vader, Palpatine, Dooku, and Maul and I would easily beat teams 15k power higher than me. But my characters were gear 8-9 at the timw
    I make character kits! Ask me and I will try my best to make one for fun.
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    plindboe wrote: »
    I have Traya, so I'm good, thanks.

    Well pin a rose on your nose, friendly! Aren't you special.
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    plindboe wrote: »
    A DN lead cant even defeat any mediocre teams, I would be amazed to see a clip of it beating Revan.

    The new strategy is different from anything else seen before in the arena though. It's all about using the extra defense to make sure Nihilus survives long enough to annihilate Revan.

    If nihilus is the constant target for revan then he will never get to annihilate, even if he doesn't die

    Good point. Forgot about the cooldown increase. Whenever my Nihilus gets marked I run into the same problem. It seems to be possible to catch up with a very fast Nihilus and Thrawn to control Revan, if judging by Skelturix' latest youtube vid, but it doesn't look easy. I guess Palp lead is the only viable alternative...
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    SamuraiUX wrote: »
    plindboe wrote: »
    I have Traya, so I'm good, thanks.

    Well pin a rose on your nose, friendly! Aren't you special.

    Yes, I am, but that's besides the point. There's no reason for me to experiment with non-Traya strategies when I have Traya.
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