Let's Talk About Episode VIII Luke

What do you think they'll do with Luke from The Last Jedi when they get around to it?

I think that they could do some really interesting stuff with his kit. They could even make two, Hermit Luke and Jedi Master Luke (or Force Illusion Luke). Hermit Luke could be a support character with strong synergies for Rey (Jedi Training), maybe he'd have a kit a lot like Hermit Yoda.

One fun idea would be to have a Hermit Luke that sits cross-legged and floats with lots of support abilities and no attack. Then he could have a special ability that transforms his into the black-wearing, blue-lightsaber-wielding version of himself with lots of taunt and foresight buffs. It could be a sort of last stand maneuver that kills him after three turns or something.

Another idea could be to have a Jedi Master Luke with a Resistance tag and a sort of reverse version of In Exile Special. He could be a tank, that when defeated, all Resistance allies escape the battle. I think that would make for really interesting opportunities on defensive teams in TW and would also allow for double use of Rey (Jedi Training) in Raids. He could also have a special where he inflicts a unique buff called Exhausted when enemy units attack and miss him. Exhausted could have a few offensive penalties or it could give Resistance allies turn meter boosts when they attack Exhausted enemy units.

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