Next patch notes

I saw someone say that patch notes were being released tomorrow, does anyone have anything to back this up/refute it? I'm currently saving arena tokens (got ~4000) in case any toon from the arena shipments gets a significant nerf/buff or they release details of a worthwhile scoundrel event in which case I'd grab Greedo. Alternatively, does anyone have any suggestions? I currently run:

QGJ (L) 5*
Rey 4*
Luminara 7*
Sidious 7*
GS 6*

in arena, and my GW bench is (top 2 purple gear, the rest blue):

Phasma 4*
JC 4*
Lando 4*
Anakin 4*
Kylo Ren 4*
IG-86 4*
Darth Vader 4*
Cad Bane 4*
Grand Moff Tarkin 4*
Count Dooku 3*
plus some crap

I'm looking to get a bit more synergy going and am thinking maybe Sidious (L), IG-88, IG-86, GS/FOTP, Lando for a sweet crit team or maybe Phasma, FOTP, Kylo Ren, Dooku, *arena shipment character* for a first order/extra attacks team. Or maybe Phasma (L), ST Han + 3 speed DPS for turn manipulation?

What do y'all think?


  • scuba
    14184 posts Member
    My suggestion is to play the game for the content there not what might, could or is desired to be in the game.

    If you want to go with expectations see who is getting the nerf call for and assume that will happen.
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    Haha well I've stopped farming GS for this reason. I guess the main thing is that I can't decide. Both Greedo and IG-88 are really cool, ST Han would give me a viable tank and Savage always impresses me when I face him... I need something to help me choose...
  • scuba
    14184 posts Member
    Savage "might" be safe since he just got a buff, but ya never know.
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    Well I run a max Greedo and love him. His days are numbered with level cap coming though. Maybe thermals will get fixed maybe not. However CG nerfed him recently due to upcoming things they couldn't talk about yet. I'm hopeful that he will be needed. St.Han is a great tank. A few folks run him in arena on my mature server. I hate it when he taunts and my max Dooku rains hell on him. Hardly any damage and turn meters just keep climbing on his team! See more RG in my top 20 though. All I know about IG-88 is I burn him down first!
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    I guess you never got a response either... ****, the patch notes last time were great.

    And Chewie Johnson, thanks for the input. I thought Greedo looked pretty strong. Thermal Detonators are in line for a buff from what I read somewhere (so maybe unreliable) so I was thinking of gambling on him but I think I'm just gonna be a sheep and get IG-88 (arena), IG-86 (cantina), and Poggle (GW).
    All the while carry on working on FOTP, Rey and Dooku on hard nodes.
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    When's the last time we heard from the Devs?
    It is logical.
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    When's the last time we heard from the Devs?

    @Anarcho_Capital <3 LOVE you avatar and name <3
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    Still laughing at anarcho-capitalism
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