Best Imperial Trooper team??

152 posts Member
edited December 2018
I am starting to advance more in the game - I have got luke, thrawn r2, chewie and bb8. I am just about to start farming finn then the vets for JTR. After i want to start farming teams for T battles and HSTR. One of the teams for HSTR is imperial troopers but i dont want to use death trooper or thrawn as they are used in other teams. So my question is this - what is the optimal team for me to farm for imperial troopers. I don't want to farm too many hard nodes (only 1 char which at the moment is veers). Should i have Veers,snow,stark,magma and storm (with deathtrooper for t battle) or should I spend extra time farming shore or range?? Any help appreciated.


  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    From what I've seen so far from the team I'm farming, Range seems like he would bring the most to P2 Sith Raid teams. Assists all over the place + retribution, both of which would restrict counters from Sion. Also makes any other mission where you can use them significantly easier.
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    Would it be worth farming @Vendi1983 ? Bcoz i don't want to waste time farming what I don't need and 2 hard nodes for 1 raid team and a few TB teams doesnt seem worth it when Nest etc is at stake.
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    hotdeaths wrote: »
    I am starting to advance more in the game - I have got luke, thrawn r2, chewie and bb8. I am just about to start farming finn then the vets for JTR. After i want to start farming teams for T battles and HSTR. One of the teams for HSTR is imperial troopers but i dont want to use death trooper or thrawn as they are used in other teams. So my question is this - what is the optimal team for me to farm for imperial troopers. I don't want to farm too many hard nodes (only 1 char which at the moment is veers). Should i have Veers,snow,stark,magma and storm (with deathtrooper for t battle) or should I spend extra time farming shore or range?? Any help appreciated.

    Think you're much better off farming Jedi or NS than IT for hSTR.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    hotdeaths wrote: »
    I am starting to advance more in the game - I have got luke, thrawn r2, chewie and bb8. I am just about to start farming finn then the vets for JTR. After i want to start farming teams for T battles and HSTR. One of the teams for HSTR is imperial troopers but i dont want to use death trooper or thrawn as they are used in other teams. So my question is this - what is the optimal team for me to farm for imperial troopers. I don't want to farm too many hard nodes (only 1 char which at the moment is veers). Should i have Veers,snow,stark,magma and storm (with deathtrooper for t battle) or should I spend extra time farming shore or range?? Any help appreciated.

    Think you're much better off farming Jedi or NS than IT for hSTR.

    I understand this but I want to farm them for TB too...that 9,000k guild tokens could really help powerfarm my hoda shards
  • Bill0207
    375 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    Zveers, snowtrooper and a fast starck are the only requirements and they're all required characters is dstb. The other 2 are whatever you can farm easier at the moment. I recommend farming them all though that way you can donate what you need for platoons and they'll all plug into random empire teams as well. You need the zeta on veers though to make the team viable
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    They're ludicrously fun to run. Mine are a work in progress:

    zVeers, 7*, 85 G9, 7/7/8/8, 210 speed
    Starck 5* 85 G9, 7/7/7/7, 240 speed
    Shore 5* 85 G8, 7/7/7, 30k health, 18k protection
    Snow 7* 85 G7, 7/7/7
    Range 5*, 85 G8, 7/8/7

    Even at these levels they completely decimated the first two tiers of Forest Moon AB with almost no Ewoks taking a single turn. Far easier than my usual Empire team that's all 7*/G9-11 with several zetas. Can't wait to get some key omegas too really transform them.
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    IT seems like a fun faction in that while Veers and Starck are kinda locked in you can pretty much mix and match the other 3 positions according to your needs. Personally I'm planning on Death/Shore/Snow whenever I get around to them, but none of the troopers are really bad choices.
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    I got wrecked by a no-tank team in TW today. Veers Starck Magma Range Death. I was using a g8-9 team vs a g8 team. I didnt really expect to win but I didnt get to move but once or twice. The assists were crazy.
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    Range completely elevates them to a completely different level. The assists are amazing.
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    If you haven't started Troopers yet, I can't recommend getting Range Trooper enough. I have 3 accounts with Troopers teams, and the one with Range is by far the most effective despite being the only one of the 3 without the Veers zeta and being generally lower gear than the others.

    I'm still developing all 3, but the one with Range is the only one I have that can even complete the IPD mission (the only reason I started working on the faction in the first place).
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    @YKMisfit what's the gear level and composition for your team with Range that completed it?
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    I prefer using my deathtrooper with krennic and shore trooper on other empire teams. Veers, stark, snow. magma, range is getting through anything they go up against
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    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    @YKMisfit what's the gear level and composition for your team with Range that completed it?

    Veers - G10 (no zeta)
    Starck - G8 (no zeta)
    DT - G9 (no zeta)
    Range - G9
    Snow - G9
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    edited December 2018
    @YKMisfit interesting. All 7*?

    I'm running Shore instead of DT with almost the same gear levels and had it down to just CLS. My speeds are listed earlier in the thread. I'm also short several omegas that I know would help but I've been holding on to them because I'll unlock Wampa after this TB...

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    @Vendi1983 Yes, all at 7*.

    My speeds are:

    Veers - 210
    Starck - 239
    Death - 152
    Range - 191
    Snow - 165
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    I feel like DT is pretty important for the mission. The daze/stun on his basic really helps with the constant counterattacking that the Rebel Scouts (I think it's the scouts) go nuts on. And with the assists from Range, DT gets to daze a lot of them as long as he's the one being called.
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    Thanks for the tips! Working on DT but I just did three 16-energy cantina farms in a row and I'm trying to avoid it like the plague...
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    Death Trooper is also vital to the Chex Mix squad in HSTR p3, plus Dark Side TB always asks for a ton of Death Troopers in platoons.

    All those level 7-8 cantina nodes are painful, but most of the toons are worth it. Death Trooper is definitely worth it.
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