Did Chewbacca just get a ninja buff or something?

So on both my level 60 p2p account and level 43 f2p account, my ally selection screens are back to being flooded with Chewbacca. At both levels, they ally screens are at least 75% Chewy, even with multiple refreshes of the screen. What gives? There used to be at least some variety, but it seems that the last day or so it's back to being all Chewy and a few random whatnots 5 or more levels below my account level. Oh, and all my allies are close to my level, so it's not that I'm just getting lower level allies. Anyone else notice this?


  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Put your Chewbacca in your team or get higher level allies. He is a common LS leader at lower levels.
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    Did you add some of the other popular leaders like lumi to your team?
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    Did you add some of the other popular leaders like lumi to your team?
    Good point for got that one take Luminara out of your team.
  • HamSandwich
    63 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I do not use Chewy at all on either account.

    I did see him a ton prior to level 40, but he had become much less prevalent until recently.

    As for Lumi, yes I recently picked her up in GW, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't use her in Squad Arena, usually only on light side or GW, and not usually as leader.
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    As for Lumi, yes I recently picked her up in GW, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't use her in Squad Arena, usually only on light side or GW, and not usually as leader.

    Her is what is has to do with:

    If you use her anywhere on your team in LS mission you will never be able to borrow her.
    She is the most popular character for LS missions mid to high levels.

    Don't believe me? Take her out of your team run LS 1-A normal. After you are done go back to run a LS mission you will probably be able to borrow from 5-7 Luminara.
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    I do not use Chewy at all on either account.

    I did see him a ton prior to level 40, but he had become much less prevalent until recently.

    As for Lumi, yes I recently picked her up in GW, but what does that have to do with the price of tea in China? I don't use her in Squad Arena, usually only on light side or GW, and not usually as leader.

    If you used her in the last battle of that particular mode (cantina or LS battles), then she will not show up as an ally (it will show some random character from that ally instead of the one you used last battle).
  • scuba
    14182 posts Member
    My opinion for running battles LS/DS/Cantina

    LS leave Luminara out
    DS leave Sid or Phasma out mostly Sid now
    Cantina leave Sid, Phasma or Luminara out

    Those are the 3 most popular leaders, phasma probably not so much on newer accounts now, so you can almost always find one to borrow
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    Excellent, thanks for the help. I will try that.
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    Chewi is junk.
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