5* c3p0 with 4 gear9 1g10 no zeta

33 posts Member
edited December 2018
G9 chirpa lead. G10elder g9wicket g9paploo g9teebo (paploo defense mods speed protection ) speed crits everyone else
Unlocked him last night trick is assist call elder every time unless enemy has buffs then use assist on paploo. Paploo and teebo dispel the buffs and teebo 100% tm ewoks requires timing don't waste IF ELDER DIES AT ANY POINT ABORT wicket deals the most damage. Use chirpa heal early don't waste elder until ewoks are dying Elder dispels debuffs use that when team has suffered debuffs not a toon. Once raidhan chewbacca leia are hittable paploo their buffs paploo is literally there to basic atk u a win


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