UK based Echo Based Squadron recruiting now

We are an active UK based guild looking for daily players.
Our guildname is: Echo Base Squadron
Currently we have 44 players and a GP of ~86 Million.

We have a mix of players who recently started to experienced players, always helping each other improve and have fun.

What we are looking for:
- Level 85 (minimum required to join)
- GP over 750k
- Have JTR or CLS (preferably both)
- If you don't have JRT and/or CLS yet, willing to collect them.
- Take part in all the guild events
- Get your 600 daily tokens each and every day
- Join our Discord server
- Have or willing to create an profile
- If you won't be able to play for a couple of days, tell the officers

We offer:
- Regular Heroic Rancor and Haat Raids with a 24 hour join period, starting at 21.00 UK time
- Sith at tier 6 starting at 18.30 UK time
- Players that will help each other with advice and donations
- Two advisors (independent from the guild) who not only help plot out guild strategy but also advise players on team and mod setups
- An active Discord server including guild rules and channels for team- and mod setups
- Regular cleanups on inactive players
- Cleanups of players that don't participatein guild events

We use in-game chat but prefer discord
Take a look at our swgoh profile:

Drop me a line if you want to know more or just feel free and join our Discord and guild.
My allycode is: 693-852-446



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