Knights of the fallen

1 posts Member
edited March 2019
We are a strong determined Guild Looking for nothing less than perfection!
If you're looking for The best place to grow
Or continue to build Your strength? Then look no further! Creep into the shadows and join the Knights of the fallen!


Post edited by DEATHbySNIPE on


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    My Brothers!

    Leadership of Knights is amazing and players of all levels are welcome.

    Don't be shy, click the link and come say hi
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    Come join a great guild that will raid like crazy!
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    Already 8/50 members and growing.

    Small mergers, one solid merge, a spot for you and a friend, or just for you cause it's hard out here for a thug, we want you to come check us out.
    Knight of the Fallen has a big brother Shadows of the fallen who's fully heroic. We are going to even out both guilds in a few months time and make duel heroic happen so get in on this
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    These ARE the droids you are looking for! Check it out!
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    Great guidance and group to grow with, expect your gp to grow exponentially.
    Fully heroic brother guild to help with advice will make things a breeze for newer players.
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    Filling up fast!
  • Hazardx
    37 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    22/50 with more on their way.

    Come join the server and find your place in the Galaxy
    Post edited by Hazardx on
  • Hazardx
    37 posts Member
    edited February 2019
    24/50 and looking for more dedicated members to join our brotherhood.

    Post edited by Hazardx on
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    10 more joining us tomorrow and that would leave room for you to come on over and find yourself a warm chair to sit and raid in.

    Holotab warriors apply within
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    Come join a great group and destroy some raids!
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    Guys, stop wasting your time in a guild that is going nowhere. THIS is the place to be. Non stop growth and awesome teamwork. Come home, your family is waiting.
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    Great community, you won't be disappointed....
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    Do this for yourself. If you want to achieve some fast and solid growth while hanging out and socializing with some awesome people that have the same common goal.

    Be a part of the foundation and learn what real power and growth
    Is all about,

    600 tickets daily by everyone will only result in back to back to back raids and ultimately huge rewards!!!!

    Join a fresh and active group soon to become one of the best guilds around!!!
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    Great place to be a part of for veterans or newer players like myself. The teamwork and camaraderie are second to none.
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    Already 32/50 and growing

    Not bad for being 3 days old.
    51 million GP so let's get you into Knights to fortify your long term raiding home

    Even small mergers could possibly work out as well
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    Great group especially if you are stuck in an inactive guild jump in learn some things, grow stronger, and have some fun. See what the game is missing.
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    I couldn't be happier raiding side to side with Knights of the Fallen.

    Knights have a big brother.
    Shadows of the Fallen will back them up any day.

    Come and see what the hype is about.
    Or you could always click on one of those multi guild alliances that seem to have a need to recruit every guild..

    Nahh, join some winners who will bring you to the top.

    If you're a hardcore gamer, you'll like this duo of guilds
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    Stop sitting on the sidelines and start playing the game! Join Knights of the fallen today to take your game to the next level!
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    Death is a good dude to learn from. If you’re willing to follow the simple rules, you’ll grow quickly. Join them now.
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    Did someone say lines?

    Come join now, and get three free deathsticks

    Join before this upcoming Territory War, and you'll receive a lifetime supply of deathsticks

    This guild rocks!
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    35/50 within 4 days of opening the guild.

    Come join Knights of the Fallen where everyone is working on the same goals and we all use discord

    Don't pass this opportunity up!
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    Come be a part of a kewl guild and let's get those treya shards!
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    Come join a great group of players who are pushing for great things and a part a great alliance!
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    Great guild run by a great leader! Come join if u want a active helpful guild!
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    Room for a few dedicated daily players who want non stop raids.

    Just stop by the server and see where you fit in
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    What!?!? You haven't joined yet? What are you waiting for, get your butt over here and reap the rewards!
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    This guild is blowing up. If you get your 600 every day and want a guild to do the same for that 30k and constant raiding, this guild is for you! Come and raid like crazy!
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    If you're a serious player this is the perfect guild and offers the support you have been looking for!
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    The only question is why aren’t you already a Knight?
    Come and join one of the Fallen Premier Guilds!
    If you are into growth, gear, loot,.... and all in a supportive enjoyable environment, wait no more.
    Join today!
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    Come for the raids...stay for the discord chats! Join up now BROTHER!
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