182 Million. Tw focused, 9pm GMT Sith raid, 1 spot after TB


We get 44 stars lstb

-We get 46 Stars (47 next time, as weve been 5m short) dstb

-We won 40 tws so far.

Sith raid is 9pm GMT

What makes us that efficient compared to other guilds?

We are all Players that want to win, that want the guild to suceed in all areas of the Game. We all Care for the guild and help each other.

Due to that mindset, we have relative few Rules. Our members are smart, and dont need to be parentized about what to Farm and who to Gear. We respect each other and Help with Guides, checking each Others modding or through our very own SWOGHOPEDIA. This guy is immense.

We have no dictatorship ruling- punishments are relative soft & easily avoideable (but deserved where spoken out), and we try to make polls about all Major decisions.

We have now an opening for one Player after tb, because one will quit the Game. What we Look for:

-doing ur daily 600 must be a non-brainer (we have an unavaiability Channel for planned absences such as Holidays)

-ur focused on Arena/ Ship Arena, or at least are willing to strive for topranks

-u have discord. We dont expect daily chatting If U dont want. But u need to read announcements, participate in polls, and follow the tw instructions written in discord

-u must fit from ur personality to us. Just Sending ur swgoh.gg Profile and asking when U can Join wont Work. We dont need ur whole life Story, but we are Not looking for a guildhopper, but for someone who intends to stay with us.

-we dont have a fix gp requirement, but please be realistic. We're willing to carry you to some degree, but 100k gp ftp f.e. would be no fit.


If ur interested, i happily answer ur questions on discord GreenArrow#8699


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