Taunt Mechanics Suck with Two Taunters

I just finished playing 5B hard, and was facing both Biggs and Boba taunting me. One of my ships (I believe it was my Boba) had retribution, but instead of returning fire at Boba and destroying him, it kept returning fire to Biggs who just regened protection every time. So I had to keep taking fire from their Boba for several more turns when he should have been wiped out (one more hit would have ended him, that's it, but he was able to take three more turns - that's ridiculous). If there are two opposing taunters, and your ship has retribution, you should be able to either choose who the retribution is directed at, or it should default to the ship with the lowest remaining HP to wipe them out ASAP. If I had been able to save myself three of their Boba turns, I probably would have cleared the level. Instead I had to sit there are watch Biggs add more and more protection while continuing to take abuse from their Boba. It was asinine.
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