Leader abilities when lead dies

86 posts Member
Today I realized that after killing Phasma, the toons were assisting each other, even though the leader was dead. Leader abilities should not be removed after this ?


  • Qleak
    420 posts Member
    noizer wrote: »
    Today I realized that after killing Phasma, the toons were assisting each other, even though the leader was dead. Leader abilities should not be removed after this ?

    You are correct, the leader abilities are maintained after death. Hence attacking phasma to remove assists is not so terribly helpful. They may eventually fix this...
  • Tooltje
    188 posts Member
    Qleak wrote: »

    You are correct, the leader abilities are maintained after death. Hence attacking phasma to remove assists is not so terribly helpful. They may eventually fix this...

    I hope that this will be fixed, it is silly that a dead person can still lead a squad.
  • Options
    Leader abilities are intended to persist beyond the leader's death (otherwise leaders would simply be the first target you focus down).

    But... There are a few leader abilities that stop functioning after death (the 2 most recently introduced) and there were some in the past that stopped working after death which were fixed (i.e. Luminara).
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