Player portraits

So now that player portraits and prestigious quests are in full swing, any chance of filling those movie / character gaps? Specifically, I'm talking about the 1 lonely Rogue One portrait we have of krennic. Don't get me wrong, it's great that such an iconic and well-loved movie like Solo has 5 character portraits, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that 8 KOTOR portraits just isn't enough, no one's sick at all of seeing those characters everywhere they look. But how about giving some love to the stuff that's NOT hot-off-the-press cash bait? You know, the stuff that's just Star Wars.

Rogue One may not be at the top of most people's favorites list, but no can deny it has a great core of iconic characters. Would love to see portraits for K2 and Jyn, for starters.


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