Who would be interested in a no mod challenge setup for tw and grand arena?

Also would anyone want to battle a freind, high noon showdown style?

Who would be interested in a no mod challenge setup for tw and grand arena? 17 votes

ControlledChaos_3682yuuzhanronWombatJediKnightsndnicholsVendi1983Nyanperor 6 votes
Mr_SausagejhbuchholzCarSickShoeJDK82c1ever_punRiffinatorSalatious_ScrumFailingCrabLio 9 votes
More info needed
Thessaodai145EffAPublicEyeD 2 votes


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    I already did this for many months back in 2016. It's not that fun.
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    What’s the point?...
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    No all same name toons at same gear lvls will have the same speed and so.e teams dont work to counter others if they are to slow mods are about 50%+ on team creation getting turn orders and stats correct to do well
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    Congratulations, you found the only way to make the revan meta worse
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I dont see many liking this option. Character restriction was already a resounding "bad idea", I think most would consider mods just as important and taking just as much effort to build up as the characters in thier rosters.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    Kudos on the creative idea, but I think a no-mod TW would be annoying and frustrating.

    I wouldn't be opposed to a default-mod TW though. Like if they just pre-modded all the characters and your only edge would be gear, zetas, etc. That could make for some interesting strategy, especially if every Revan were basically equal. But it could also be equally annoying and frustrating as a no-mod TW.
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