B1 Cannot Dispel Plague

When can we expect and update on the B1 and Plague interaction, it's had a bug report on the forum since B1's release.

"He's no good to me dead"


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I believe we were told this is WAI, but I will try to get a more official statement.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    I believe we were told this is WAI, but I will try to get a more official statement.

    Should not be wai.
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    Yea cause plague should fall off once hesled to full if b1 tooses stacks its technically at full hp 1/1 but its still full
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    @Kyno Do you have an approximate timescale for a response? Cheers
    "He's no good to me dead"
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    Please fix this. It's terrible.
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    I agree, it's a horrible interaction and only affects B1 in this way.
    "He's no good to me dead"
  • Ryzak620
    215 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague
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    Also, If B2 or any other droid could dispel plague then what is the reason B1 cannot.
    "He's no good to me dead"
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...

    Your right. I haven't used him since the marquee so im not familiar with his kit. However I don't see him dispelling plague making any real difference because the argument for him cleansing is equally valid for triggering assajj unique
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...

    Your right. I haven't used him since the marquee so im not familiar with his kit. However I don't see him dispelling plague making any real difference because the argument for him cleansing is equally valid for triggering assajj unique

    It does make a difference though! As he cannot dispel plague, he loses a stack every time he takes a turn, when you combine this with the stacks you lose from GG, even if you zeta him to 100 stacks, it's just unfair.

    Assajj's unique triggers on a defeated enemy, losing a stack isn't defeated so has no interaction with Assajj. I think a fair argument can be made for losing a stack not triggering her unique. If you destroyed all 100 stacks Assajj would get 1500% Offence, 1500% Critical Chance and 500% Max Health. Like I said, a fair argument for losing stacks not to interact with her unique.
    "He's no good to me dead"
  • Droideka
    615 posts Member
    edited March 2019
    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...
    He does... unless he has plague. Since debuffs cannot be dispelled by plagued characters, any debuffs B1 gets will not be dispelled each time he dies. So he can be plagued and stunned, and he will be perma-stunned until he dies from plague.
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...

    Your right. I haven't used him since the marquee so im not familiar with his kit. However I don't see him dispelling plague making any real difference because the argument for him cleansing is equally valid for triggering assajj unique

    It does make a difference though! As he cannot dispel plague, he loses a stack every time he takes a turn, when you combine this with the stacks you lose from GG, even if you zeta him to 100 stacks, it's just unfair.

    Assajj's unique triggers on a defeated enemy, losing a stack isn't defeated so has no interaction with Assajj. I think a fair argument can be made for losing a stack not triggering her unique. If you destroyed all 100 stacks Assajj would get 1500% Offence, 1500% Critical Chance and 500% Max Health. Like I said, a fair argument for losing stacks not to interact with her unique.

    The whole argument that he should cleanse plague seems to be we b1 loses stacks it "dies and anotherone takes its place" if its not dying it shouldn't cleanse plague, if it is it should trigger assajj. That's just the mechanics.
  • Tanzos
    219 posts Member
    What happens when B1 is isolated? Does he lose it when he loses a stack?
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    Ryzak620 wrote: »
    100% agree. Technically, B1 is a mob character. That's why he has 1 health, every time he dies another one appears. So that means if Talzin plagues one that dies, the next should appear without the plague

    By this logic he should cleanse all debuffs everytime has damaged

    He actually does...

    Your right. I haven't used him since the marquee so im not familiar with his kit. However I don't see him dispelling plague making any real difference because the argument for him cleansing is equally valid for triggering assajj unique

    It does make a difference though! As he cannot dispel plague, he loses a stack every time he takes a turn, when you combine this with the stacks you lose from GG, even if you zeta him to 100 stacks, it's just unfair.

    Assajj's unique triggers on a defeated enemy, losing a stack isn't defeated so has no interaction with Assajj. I think a fair argument can be made for losing a stack not triggering her unique. If you destroyed all 100 stacks Assajj would get 1500% Offence, 1500% Critical Chance and 500% Max Health. Like I said, a fair argument for losing stacks not to interact with her unique.

    The whole argument that he should cleanse plague seems to be we b1 loses stacks it "dies and anotherone takes its place" if its not dying it shouldn't cleanse plague, if it is it should trigger assajj. That's just the mechanics.

    No, the issue is there is no way to remove plague, as B1 only has one health and you can't heal above 1hp plague cannot be removed.

    The opinion that removing a stack should trigger Assajj's unique is flawed, as detailed in my last comment, could you imagine Assajj with +1500% Offence?
    "He's no good to me dead"
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    The best solution is to make droids immune to plague. Unless plague is also a computer virus it just doesn't make any sense.
  • Smapty
    1260 posts Member
    With strong droids you should be able to kill the other team before it’s even an issue...

    The droids can do such insane first turn damage it’s pushing the limits of the old aoe “10 second win” meta... like 30 second full auto wins vs super tough high end DR arena teams.

    ...with a little luck of course ;)

    It’s pretty much what they are leaning on to make them competitive in high end arena currently...

    Plague shouldn’t be an issue for losing B1 if you are using them correctly
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