C-3PO on sith raid p1

My C-3Po on gear 9 with 140% potency.Nihilus constantly resist the confuse and tm remove.
3 stack confuse almost impossible.Can someone explain why?
On HAAT confuse is resistant to much of the attempts...If C-3PO g12 he have more chance to inflict confuse and expose???
(Of course i know if his name not C3PO but Revan Then everything would succeed :D)
what is the solution? More potency or more gear level? (Sorry for my english :))


  • Options
    DN also has stacking tenacity when hit, so you need to try to time C3PO to go right after DN moves if you want to land confuse. Even one or two hits will make it very unlikely to land, especially at g9.

    My starting sequence in p1 is to only hit the minions with everyone except 3PO so he’s able to land confuse without tenacity stacking.
  • Jarvind
    3926 posts Member
    All the bosses in the Sith raid gain a huge chunk of Tenacity (50% I think?) every time you hit them, until their next turn. So you might be able to land a debuff right after they take a turn, or maybe after one hit. After that they'll resist everything.

  • Options
    Yes I know that it stacks tenacity but it makes me sad that we only need g12 that c3po inflict confuse. Ofc p1 will never be as easy as p2 especially if I don't have a lot of chance to inflict confuse. (i wish i was revan then everything would be succeed without tactic etc.) :disappointed:
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    Some players use g8-g9 C3PO just fine. Doesn't need to be g12.
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