How to excel in a sea of mirror matches?

73 posts Member
Hi everyone
I am currently hovering around #200 in my arena shard and it has been like that for as long as I can remember...

I'd love to increase my ranking, but I find it hard to excel in a sea of mirror matches...
Everyone it seems is running the same JKR+bastilla+GMY+GK+Jolee comp... (Me included)

Does it really all boil down to mods?

...And if not... Then what?


  • Jarvind
    3926 posts Member

  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Mods do matter. I’m not going to say they don’t matter at all....but with JKR teams, they matter a lot less than usual. An okay modded JKR team can still beat a god modded one. Some of it could be strategy.

    Obviously, kill off jolee as fast as you can but you never want to focus him first. Whoever has the faster revan dictates who I go after first. If mine is faster then I attack revan first so I don’t have to worry about his direct focus for a turn. If mine is slower then I go after yoda first because it won’t take much to kill him off. Either way, once you kill either revan or yoda then you focus on jolee. Do everything you can to get revan more turn meter in the mean time. At the same time, protect your jolee. After their jolee is dead, it should be an auto battle.

    If it’s not your tactics and you do have really terrible mods then I don’t know what to tell you.

    Note, I do consider the mods I had on my JKR team pretty good so take what I’ve offered with a grain of salt.
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    Yoda needs offense, not speed. Jolee needs massive health. These two things will often determine who ends up on top.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
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    Also if you have him you can drop Bast for Chewie when climbing. Will make offensive wins a lot easier, but makes you a target on defense.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
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    Yoda needs offense, not speed. Jolee needs massive health. These two things will often determine who ends up on top.

    He needs both. Ideally, he’d be 1 speed less than JKR. I use a CD set, although an offense set might be better since GK throws up crit immunity so often. I also prefer matches against Revans who have a slightly higher speed than my Revan, so I can tag him with direct focus at a low turn meter, which will allow me to kill him twice before mark times out.
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    On offense, Plo Koon or Hermit Yoda both do a great job taking the place of Jolee. I'd make sure you switch back to Jolee for your overnight defense though.
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    He needs both. Ideally, he’d be 1 speed less than JKR. I use a CD set, although an offense set might be better since GK throws up crit immunity so often. I also prefer matches against Revans who have a slightly higher speed than my Revan, so I can tag him with direct focus at a low turn meter, which will allow me to kill him twice before mark times out.

    Sure, if you can add speed while maintaining offense then it definitely helps. But if you have a speed set on GMY and 5k offense, you're doing it wrong.

    Slower Revan works if their Revan marks someone other than your Revan. I still prefer to get the first Mark off.
    Ally Code 766-465-766
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    I am running JKR, GMY, Jolee, Bast, Ezra. I found that if you have better mods a g10-g11 JKR team can beat a full G12 team by doing the following.

    1. Revan give turn to Bast
    2. Bast buff GMY, attack on GK
    3. GMY AOE and buff spread
    4. Ezra aid another on GMY murder GK
    6. Revan marks Jolee

    So I am in the it all comes down to mods camp. If they have G12+ gear on GK you probably need GMY at at least G12.
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    I kill Revan twice, hopefully Jolee used his heal, if not kill Revan a 3rd time but Mark Jolee and kill if not. 3 mins left on timer.
    Back to Revan if still alive, auto

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