Naming Conventions

So as someone who is slightly OCD, I have always been bothered by the SWGOH naming conventions for characters. Some characters have parentheses, others dashes, others quotations, etc. For example:

Rey (Jedi Training)
Clone Sergeant - Phase 1
CT-7657 "Rex"
Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios
Stormtrooper Han (omission of last name)
Grandmaster Yoda (title first)

I think the next rework should be of naming conventions.


  • nabokovfan
    535 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Parentheses are used to clarify specific status of a given character (i.e. fallen, Jedi Training), the quotes are used for nicknames, and the hyphen is used simply because clones (and some droids) have multiple stages to their design. Think of it like someone saying v1, v2, v3, but for star wars clones, it seems to be their determination to say phase x as their own vernacular. Lastly, Han's last name was left off due to a desire to limit number of characters.

    As for Jedi, they always say master, grandmaster, etc. as a sign of respect to their elders and those they look up to. These are terms from the films and many other sources that have long been used.

    Needless to say, the format the devs used might be irritating to your ocd, but I can almost guarantee you that they didn't decide things arbitrarily. There's undoubtedly some logic to their choices and guidelines set forth based on past uses and naming conventions.

    I would spend my energy elsewhere, I highly doubt they will ever update the game to revise a name.
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