Why does my HT always act after his?

I constantly run into this player. My lineup: Executrix, HT, Tie Fighter, Tie Silencer. His: Home One, HT, Biggs, Han's Falcon.

My HT has 139 speed, his 138, but my HT always acts after his in the beginning. Why is that? What's giving his HT the extra TM?


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    probably because it gains 25 percent tm if any ally takes damage, and you go first and hit a different ship, giving him the next turn.
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    The kit says that whenever hounds tooth doesn't have taunt, if an ally gets attacked, HT gains 25pct turn meter. This is likely what is causing your problem. If you always attack HT he won't gain turn meter.
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    Ah... makes a lot of sense. Thanks. I always attack another ship first in the hope that it could be reduced enough to be killed by damage per turn when I bring in Vader's ship. I was pulling my hair because I checked all his ships' kits except the HT itself. LOL
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