Modding malak

I was lucky enough to unlock Malak. It would also appear that I’ve been a bit overzealous in upgrading mods to 6 dot so I’m stuck with leftovers. I know, First World problems. Just wondering what the priority should be, Protection or Speed? How are others planning to approach his mods?


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    I don't own him myself, so good for you :)

    Jealousy aside, as far as I can tell his defining trait is that he's crazy resilient. So I would build on that, lots of tenacity and defense, though you might want to stack alot of health if running him with DR, due to ferocity. Only read his kit once so I can't recall all the mechanisms, if he's best as a slow or fast tank etc. But no matter what his strength is in unkillable-ness so I'd do everything I could to augment that.
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