Guild participation



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    The game is becoming very repetitive and especially for players who can't access the latest characters they feel excluded from the party. It's hard to be excited about stuff when others have new toys to use and you're stuck using the old ones.
  • Gryf
    95 posts Member
    After over 2.5 years playing this game, I finally found a 200mgp guild with the same TW mindset I have. Set defense.... Wait for second place rewards. I have jumped between so many guilds before finally finding one I'm completely in line with goal wise
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    I didn't bother reading the comments, but good leadership and kicking peeps to the curb helps. Having a minimum participation requirement helps too. I've been in the same guild since I first joined a guild, so I feel lucky and feel I've grown with it. You have to execute and hold your own contribution wise, and be in a guild that expects that of everyone
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    If youre guild isnt HSTR ready youre going to have heavy attrition.

    Waiting for a guild to get there puts a person further and further behind. And with mercing almost non existant now, either a person finds an HSTR ready guild or they are just hear to dicker around here and there.
  • Preto
    56 posts Member
    Looks like a lot of us are in the same boat...

    I started playing in January 2016 and I've been in the same guild since the beginning.
    We've slowly built it to almost HSTR ready now (96.50%) but it's been a long way... maybe too long. I must admit, I thought about leaving and going to an HSTR-on-farm guild quite a few times, would have been much easier to just participate and get the rewards, rather than having the headaches of managing people and events. Well, on one side, it was worth the effort.
    We tried to merge with another guild last year but that move failed during negotiations, we both needed 10-15 players only.
    TW - we win most of the time but only because we have a good strategy and are very keen that people deploy just the teams required in that territory, no "it's up to you, put whatever, just deploy something".
    TB - most of us do everything but a few people can't be **** to even deploy (well, couldn't, as they got the boot).
    My problem is with joining a guild though... something's fishy, I keep saying it and the guys must think I'm a bit crazy...
    We have been 42/50 for about 2 months, nobody joined; all of the sudden, last weekend we had 8 people joining, from different guilds... and it's not the first time I noticed this issue. Maybe it's in my head only... :)

    It's very hard to have consistency at a high lvl, unless you are a strict "elite" guild focused on progression.
    People will come and go, it's the natural way but the direction the game has taken for the past year (or so) doesn't help either.

  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    Worth keeping in mind: The more you crack the whip, the more you will have to keep on doing so. If you are in an ultracompetitive, cutting-edge crowd, and stumble back from that edge even a little bit...people will leave quickly for better options.

    We've found it makes for a more stable, fun environment by having reasonable expectations--participate, announce if you know you're going to be absent, etc. People learn to actually enjoy one another's company and don't bail for a slight competitive edge elsewhere.
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    Our guild is fine. We’re casual but currently crushing HSTR at 103M GP. We win around 80% of TWs, maybe more. It’s been great to start relatively low, keep the same 40+ players and help everyone grow the right characters in the right order. Without my guild I’d quit this game in a heartbeat.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Are any guilds having issues getting people to participate in everything? Or getting people to join? We've been 44/50 for months and no new people joining. It seems with GA we lost participation in everything else.

    Get your legs warmed up and start kicking baby!
  • Kai_Mulai
    683 posts Member
    It seems to me that most guilds struggle to balance competitive (better rewards, higher GP, heroic raids) with casual (fun environment, easily achievable rules & requirements, low time commitment). While there are some purely casual and some purely competitive guilds, most seem to be somewhere in the middle.
    That is a hard balance to strike, and means the majority of the guilds trying to be balanced need to find a “hook” or advantage that they can use to attract others. A hook can be anything that sets your guild apart, and they generally show which side of that casual/competitive balance gets more emphasis.
    So if you want to attract more casual players as a guild leader or officer, advertise focusing on how fun and easy it is to be in your guild. If you want to attract competitive players, advertise your heroic raids, TB stars, or TW record. And if you’re a player looking for a guild, then the way a guild advertises will tell you what kind of players they are looking for. So go with guilds that match your play style.
  • Jakerz71
    18 posts Member
    Didnt read all posts so maybe somebody else mentioned this already. Look in the guild merger section. Take 2 guilds or maybe more and make an alliance. Start a discord channel and do some swapping. Players can stay on 1 side that are casual while the others hit it hard.
    Burn out...flip to the casual side...and vise versa.
    Best part is, that with the discord channel you aren't losing touch with your guild mates you have been with so long.
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    You need to define yourselves. This game has millions of players from all over the world. Each of those players has slightly different expectations, commitment levels, and focus areas.
    You need to clearly define where you (as a guild) fit into this spectrum and then focus your attention on players who are like-minded.

    Not having aligned (and reasonable) expectations up front is usually what causes these failures.

    -Set minimum participation requirements and don’t accept players who can’t commit to them (ie: “600 daily and full participation in TB”)

    -Set a guild goal and work together towards achievement it - then set a new, higher bar for yourselves (“We are currently at 43/45 in LSTB and working to achieve 45*!”)

    -Look at the bigger alliances, they have their advantages and drawbacks but they can help to place aligned players in many cases.

    -And finally - if you are looking at a merge, you need to be reasonable about that too. Almost every single failed guild merge discussion (that I have been involved in), has fallen apart for 1 reason: power struggle over the guild leader position. Everyone involved always thinks that their leadership is fantastic, even if they are falling apart and losing members left right and center. (“My brother Dave and I want to merge with your guild of 48 members, but you all have to join us because Dave is a really good leader”.)
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    Here is your solution, like it or hate them, it fixed us from barely killing haat to doing 2x hstr per week.

    1. Find a guild in your same boat, propose an alliance, NOT a merge.

    2. With said guild, establish your best 5-10 from each that communicate openly and are readily available when you need them. HSTR ready.

    3. Coordinate dates to do hstr. We use discord.
    We currently WILL do hstr during a merged TW and remerge after the TW. We will NOT sack a TB. I suggest this as there is really no other way to pull off 2x hstr per week.

    4. Create a channel dedicated ingame to hstr or whatever you are doing that all guild members can see. This channel is solely for the purpose of providing information for said events. Utilize your TOPIC to broadcast the dates and notices. Communication is key here, and whoever is leading needs to promote this. The lazier players need to find the info, not just your small core.

    5. Implement the rule guild event participation is required or it's a kick. Now I've gotten a LOT of heat over this, but it is ultimately going to be what sets your guild tone.

    6. The evil necessity. Win, at EVERYTHING. Phase 1 TB? WHO MISSED THE SPECIAL MISSION? Rancor sim? WHO DIDNT JOIN EASY WINS? WHO DIDNT JOIN TW? ... find them and warn them or kick them. I have members who used to absolutely suck, and stepped it up big because someone was willing to work with them.

    Follow that and you can get hstr done. We did, so I know it works.

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    Rekrn123 wrote: »
    Btw, anyone know what's the smallest amount of ppl.need3d to do the hstr? Lol I'm sure the 10 to 15 who r ready, ready mind u not just active lol can possibly accomplish the feat.

    It's not the smallest amount of people it's the total teams. You would probably need 4-5 nightsister 10m teams for phase 3 and 4. Then another 4-5 jte and reven teams for 10m phase 1 and 2.
    Y tyvm :) also I saw a YouTube vid of jtr doing 25% in p3, but u needed to get her speed to 318 which seemed like an ungodly high number

    Yes that works as well if you can spare her on phase 1. That team as you said requires a little more work to be ready.
  • Roahn
    231 posts Member
    I would recommend creating an alliance with a couple other guilds. This way you can have strong players move to one main guild to do TW, TB and raids. While the weaker or more casual players in the other guilds build up raid tickets. Then once the weaker guilds have enough tickets for Heroic Sith Raid then send your stronger players in to do the raid. Once finished with raid then move back to main guild and repeat. I believe there are quite a few guilds that have been doing this for a while now.
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    What we need is an incentive / punishment system for TW / TB.

    An incentive could be similar like GA where you can earn credits for each battle won.

    A good punishment system would be not giving the TW / TB rewards to anyone who contribute less than X amount of banners. Really hate people who just join just to get the free zeta(s) with ZERO effort and expect everyone else to do the grunt work.
  • DarthAndy
    105 posts Member
    Boot them. We're a guild that's just started doing hsith so we need effort from everyone to get through it. We almost didn't make it today. Guess what happened to the guy who contributed nothing to the tw and nothing in the raid.

    You don't really need a system that withholds rewards. Just make the expections clear and act if needed
  • Options
    DarthAndy wrote: »
    Boot them. We're a guild that's just started doing hsith so we need effort from everyone to get through it. We almost didn't make it today. Guess what happened to the guy who contributed nothing to the tw and nothing in the raid.

    You don't really need a system that withholds rewards. Just make the expections clear and act if needed

    We do boot, frequently. Problem with that is we boot people and aren't getting replacements. We were 36/50 for a few weeks. It hurt us to the point we missed a TW because of lack of participation.
  • DarthAndy
    105 posts Member
    DarthAndy wrote: »
    Boot them. We're a guild that's just started doing hsith so we need effort from everyone to get through it. We almost didn't make it today. Guess what happened to the guy who contributed nothing to the tw and nothing in the raid.

    You don't really need a system that withholds rewards. Just make the expections clear and act if needed

    We do boot, frequently. Problem with that is we boot people and aren't getting replacements. We were 36/50 for a few weeks. It hurt us to the point we missed a TW because of lack of participation.

    Do you do hsith? (Sorry if you said earlier, I've forgotten). Prior to that we had no one coming in too. Once we started doing it we saw tons of interest. I had to pull in two old guild members from another guild but I knew I had to get us into a position where we were a hsith guild to attract players. It might be worth considering bringing bin a couple of mercs to get it done a few times
  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    What we need is an incentive / punishment system for TW / TB.

    An incentive could be similar like GA where you can earn credits for each battle won.

    A good punishment system would be not giving the TW / TB rewards to anyone who contribute less than X amount of banners. Really hate people who just join just to get the free zeta(s) with ZERO effort and expect everyone else to do the grunt work.

    I think it would boost those modes also, but until/unless the devs do something like this, you've got your own problem to solve. We knew we had some good guildies who HATED TW, and they'd sooner leave than participate. We didn't want to force the issue.

    So we instituted a "You join, you contribute" rule. If a guildie joins the TW and his GP is added to our total to result in a slightly tougher opponent guild, the guildie MUST provide some meaningful combination of defenses and attacks.

    After a couple of TWs with the rule in place, we kicked our first repeated-violator. Did the trick; after that, anybody who joined knew they had to step up.
  • EdSolo
    422 posts Member
    Trust me when I say that you should move to a HSTR guild. I waited too long to leave my original guild hoping people would work on the the proper teams. We would only score in the low 30*'s in TB and would usually get killed in the last few hours of TW due to lack of participation. Our guild leader was MIA most of the time. I had to implement rules about non-participation and had to be the one to drop the hammer on people. It was tedious. As soon as I joined my current guild, I had my first Traya shards within two days. We just got 45* on the LS TB and are hitting 47* on DS TB. TW is always a toss up due to being in a high GP guild, but we are now generally clearing the board. We did this last time but lost by 50 points or so, but overall, it is a better record than my old guild and I am in the top reward bracket.

    Unfortunately, trying to hold to your old guild will just hold you back. I'm about 7 raids away from finishing Traya finally. The HSTR gear alone has helped me immensely. Even without DR and DM, I can still hit top 50 in my arena, which is on a near launch day shard, and this is as a ftp. I manged to get 6* Padme the first time though, which most likely would not have happened if I were still in my old guild. I should also be set for DR and DM when they return assuming it is at the end of June. That also probably would not have been possible without switching guilds.
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