Help with tier 6 please.

I completed tier 5 with the team below.
I’m relying on SunFac taunting, Spy dispelling and Ventress....
Tier 6 I’ve managed to get it down twice to Padme and Mace left (kill order JKA/GK then fishface) but usually Ventress is alone by that stage. After 100s of attempts I’ve stopped for now.
Should I
  1. Try and Gear up SunFac and Spy to G11 + Omega them?
  2. Give up and farm B2 for next time - I reckon he would instantly replace Poggle.
  3. Something else?
  4. 723kq68u8z2d.jpeg


  • DocDoom
    532 posts Member
    You don't take out Padme first? She's the only one who can't get revived...
  • Options
    I can kill JKA/GK easily and repeatedly ramping up damage dealing from Ventress. Padme is a harder initial kill with my lineup.
    At tier 5 I tried just about every kill order - Padme first never got close to being successful. keeping GK and JKA stunned/AB blocked and DEAD (repeatedly) worked best.
  • crzydroid
    7383 posts Moderator
    I killed Padme ASAP after a few easy Jedi kills because she can't be revived. Obviously when your character pool gets low you don't want the revives anymore to not risk Ventress being killed, but I find with just her ledt, Mace can be dangerous with Shatterpoint because she can keep getting stunned. When I finally beat t6, I got lucky with Jolee-in-Disguise having AB from Dooku, so I had a whole free turn to take out Mace. I was then able to control the last guy enough between Dooku and Ventress to kill him before he revived.
  • Options
    @crzydroid What do you think my main priorities for getting her at 7* next time are (minimalist approach)? Having played tier 6 hundreds of times and watched tier 7 videos I reckon B2 is essential? But is GG? And without GG what’s the best lineup?
  • crzydroid
    7383 posts Moderator
    @Shadowscream I'm going to watch the videos and read people's strategies hopefully today, but my approach for next time is going to be to farm GG and the new/reworked droid team. In t7, I noticed Padme seems to be a lot squishier than 6, but they also get her Courage mechanic in that round. I end up losing 2-3 characters, sometimes including g12 Ventress, before I can even get a turn or two to make a scratch.

    Without the droids, I think Ventress, Dooku, and SF was a good team to base my main strategy around (use revives against them to get multiple kills for Ventress damage), but if I had a strong B2 or Magna I would've easily swapped them for Poggle or Spy (my Spy was the lowest gear of them--maybe stronger Spy would be better). That's for t5 and 6.

    For 7, a marked damage immune Droideka looks really tempting, and a B1 who loses the same amount of stacks no matter enemy damage output seems like it could be useful as well.

    1 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    I beat tier 5 and 6 with the same line up. I'm currently to weak to take on tier 7 though.

    Nute lead Gear 8, Specials and leader Omega, no Zeta. 5 Dot Mods.
    Dooku Gear 12, Skills maxed, 5 Dot Mods
    Grievous Gear 11, All maxed except last unique, 5 Dot Mods.
    GS Gear 12, All maxed skills, 5 Dot Mods. (this dude sucks without the rest of the Geo Squad)
    Asajj Gear 12, no Zetas, 5 Dot Mods.

    I focused heavily on Dookus stun. I focused on the GK both tiers. I used Extortion constantly with Nute. Once GK was taken down I picked everyone off pretty easily. I would say its RNG, because I tried 4 or 5 times before I was able to clear it.

    Use Dookus Master of Makashi when its up to help dookus counter chance to inflict more stuns.
    Use Nutes Motivate to deal final blows.
    GS swarm for added damage
    Assaj and Grievous were just kind of there lol.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    no GBA?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Mephisto_style
    5724 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    With Poggle lead and the right buff situation you will be able to 1 shot Padme with Spy's silent strike. After that kill Anakin, then Jedi Fish, then auto.

    That should take you 20 attempts. If it doesn't then your mods/modding sucks. For instance, if you currently don't have Spy's CD at 216 or more then you should be asking the question, "Why do I exist?"

    Also, what is your Spy's offense? If you are bringing 4 Geos to the Padme game then the single determining factor is going to be Spy getting lucky with Silent Strike. You really need to focus on learning that mechanic and modding for it
    I got 7* Padme with GBA lead, and took about 10 battles. The key was the same, Spy taking out Padme with ****. Here is my Poggle leading with Padme having had 2 debuffs and a buff, at 7*. My Spy is g10 or 11. Spy is your key dude, oh and Poggle lead. You need that offense to up the damage of **** with your team make up.
    And here I am doing it with Poggle lead dropping GBA for a really weak Assam
    Spy was last man standing and 1 shot her. That's at 7* which my Assaj was barely ready for. So this tactic should work really well for you at tier 6
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