Jenkooine, 124m GP HSith farm, LF 1-2 active players!

Hi all,

Jenkooine is now recruiting and looking for friendly, social and active players to join our family! First of all, I want to highlight that we are a very social guild (using Discord) from the US and Europe. Life outside of Swgoh always comes first but we all have a deep passion for Star Wars content and really enjoy the game.

We have been focusing a lot on TW since the early start, and are currently holding a score of 66-2! We look for people that enjoy TW, I will be honest with you, we expect you/our future members to follow strategies (provided for on Discord and in-game) and also contribute either on defense or offense when TW starts. That's basically the "only" rule that you must follow B)

Short necessary information;

Guild name: Jenkooine
Guild recruiter: Forum - blundgren, in-game - "SnakeDog" (ally-code 811-144-259)
Guilds link: Click "Here!"
Raids: All raids on heroic farm. Doing 2 heroic Sith / week.
Reset time raids: Heroic Rancor: Immediately simmed as soon as possible. HAAT: 1pm UTC (24h join period). HSith: 3pm UTC (24h join period).
Territory Battles and Territory Wars: LS TB 32, DS TB 32+, TW 66-2
Minimum activity/participation requirements: Active on a daily basis and that you join Discord.
Minimum GP and character requirements: 2-2.5m GP (good personality always comes first tho!)

If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me in-game (ally-code 811-144-259) or send a DM on discord (SnakeDog#2251). If you feel like you don't meet the requirements, send me a message anyway and we'll at least have a chat about it! It's more important for us that we find the "right" person than those with a heavy roster :)

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