Predicting the next few months



  • Skorf26
    19 posts Member
    June will be new TB, GA championship and a few marquees (two new clones)

    July early on another 2 characters (Jedi? Or chancellor). DR and Malik come back in the middle. End of July a master kenobi (I know the YouTube rumour was debunked) or something along those lines that will be just a bit better than DR meta. It’ll be one where you need those new clones Or it will be insanely hard to 7 star kenobi.

    August early on padme come back. Middle of the month (again I know rumour debunked but makes sense) a fallen anakin with a Malak like event. Needing master kenobi, chancellor palpatine, padme, new July Jedi, mace rework... 10 characters in all who will have to be 7 star and 17.5k GP each. Fallen Anakin will be the new meta and “unbeatable”. End of the month they release Trench and a few separatists.

    September ships rework with trench capital ship being released. New meta paywall for ships. Also last G12 slot gear released. New raid as well (maybe a ship one with the ship rework)

    September will have us with a meta paywall for ships and arena. And new content post summer that they will ride until episode 9 with a few marquees included, maybe a non meta legendary like Beckett. Reworks of a few more Jedi.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    All true. BUT: The ability to have 5 named guys that look cool and and allow fandom to go all crazy over (e.g. Bounty Hunters or Rebel Pilots some bit-part Clones or Jedi) is one of the great successes of Star Wars. Not paying off the the Knights of Ren - even with just 5 minutes of Screen time and some names - would be a massive marketing and money-making mistake.

    They may not be important to the story but the are important for the universe.

    They can get the mileage out of them without them being in the movie, and they aren't hurting for toy tie-ins.
    keknoby wrote: »
    next update will be
    - less rewards
    - droprate set to 0.1%
    - less attempts on hard nodes
    - more 100$ packs to get 1 piece of G12+ gear
    - one new gamebreaking character only obtainable with the 5 next marquee 7 starred, zeta'd and G12, 2 weeks after their release

    it seems to be the way this game is going
    No, it really isn't.

    - Rewards have been continuously on the rise. From the latter end of the phase two event toons to now, we've gotten two territory battles, territory wars, a new raid, mod energy split off from cantina energy, the fleet table with its own energy, the improved calendar rewards, multiple new events, new achievements, quests, new dailies, the daily box, and mods purchaseable with fleet currency. Reductions in rewards have been trivial in comparison to the rate at which overall rewards have been on the rise.

    - The drop rate has not changed. Ever.

    - The temporary increase in hard node attempts was for the bevy of event releases, specifically for the two Revans. The two Revans came out. The attempts went back to normal.

    - The last event you could even remotely describe like that was Thrawn, with that tiny window to farm Phoenix. Yes, new events are generally higher difficulty, but we also have that laundry list of new vectors for rewards that makes that more attainable. The Chewie, 3PO, and Padme events were all doable with only old characters, and there was only one new toon for the Chewie and Padme who made them substantially easier- Bossk and Droideka respectively. Both Revans had a long time from marquee to event, both at increased hard node attempts. Malak had no additional farm and was purely a gear gate. All of them are faster to acquire if you get them the second time around than if they were a marquee character who went to a single hard node, and none of them are that hard to get the second time around. Also, literally every event character except CLS was a bear to get the first time around, including Yoda; they don't release new events to hand everyone a new high-end character. They create these new events to create new aspirational goals, and that's always been the case.

    Your list is just ignorant.
    Still not a he.
  • Options
    Not to be that guy, but technically Mace would face Sidious, not Palpatine. 😉
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    @YaeVizsla @Rcassino @DarthKoon

    It Appears I am behind the times and this was published a few days ago:

  • keknoby
    93 posts Member
    when the wise man shows the moon the **** looks at his finger ;)
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Shaddes wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    VonZant wrote: »
    All true. BUT: The ability to have 5 named guys that look cool and and allow fandom to go all crazy over (e.g. Bounty Hunters or Rebel Pilots some bit-part Clones or Jedi) is one of the great successes of Star Wars. Not paying off the the Knights of Ren - even with just 5 minutes of Screen time and some names - would be a massive marketing and money-making mistake.

    They may not be important to the story but the are important for the universe.

    They can get the mileage out of them without them being in the movie, and they aren't hurting for toy tie-ins.
    keknoby wrote: »
    next update will be
    - less rewards
    - droprate set to 0.1%
    - less attempts on hard nodes
    - more 100$ packs to get 1 piece of G12+ gear
    - one new gamebreaking character only obtainable with the 5 next marquee 7 starred, zeta'd and G12, 2 weeks after their release

    it seems to be the way this game is going
    No, it really isn't.

    - Rewards have been continuously on the rise. From the latter end of the phase two event toons to now, we've gotten two territory battles, territory wars, a new raid, mod energy split off from cantina energy, the fleet table with its own energy, the improved calendar rewards, multiple new events, new achievements, quests, new dailies, the daily box, and mods purchaseable with fleet currency. Reductions in rewards have been trivial in comparison to the rate at which overall rewards have been on the rise.

    - The drop rate has not changed. Ever.

    - The temporary increase in hard node attempts was for the bevy of event releases, specifically for the two Revans. The two Revans came out. The attempts went back to normal.

    - The last event you could even remotely describe like that was Thrawn, with that tiny window to farm Phoenix. Yes, new events are generally higher difficulty, but we also have that laundry list of new vectors for rewards that makes that more attainable. The Chewie, 3PO, and Padme events were all doable with only old characters, and there was only one new toon for the Chewie and Padme who made them substantially easier- Bossk and Droideka respectively. Both Revans had a long time from marquee to event, both at increased hard node attempts. Malak had no additional farm and was purely a gear gate. All of them are faster to acquire if you get them the second time around than if they were a marquee character who went to a single hard node, and none of them are that hard to get the second time around. Also, literally every event character except CLS was a bear to get the first time around, including Yoda; they don't release new events to hand everyone a new high-end character. They create these new events to create new aspirational goals, and that's always been the case.

    Your list is just ignorant.

    His list was sarcastic but your list is ignorant. The reductions have been trivial?? Try 50% reductions in gear from GA, try 30% reduction from hardnodes, try 50% reduction from TB character shards. Assault battles are only a day now. We straight up get less TBs then we used to and the TW rewards are a joke and always have been. The hardnode increase and decrease had nothing to do with either revan?? Post some proof about that because it was a much longer period then that.

    -- There was no reduction in gear earned from GA as a whole. There was a reduction in each individual GA when they doubled the number of GAs in the schedule, resulting in the same overall gear acquisition.
    -- Assault battles are the same this month as last month, except that a given 2-day period has two different ones on consecutive days instead of the same one two days in a row.
    -- What is the basis for saying we get fewer TBs than we used to? Seems the same to me, two a month.
    -- They explicitly said that the hard node increase (which was always announced as temporary) was intended to help with the LS Revan farm, and then Carrie convinced them to extend it farther than they originally meant to but it was never going to last forever. They increased the node attempts back to 8 (remember that there had been another temporary increase previously) and reduced the first node fresh cost from 50 crystals to 25 in the same update that Bastila and Jolee became farmable. I remember seeing that and thinking "I guess they're telling us we will need to be refreshing nodes to get these characters done for Revan."
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    People only remember the bad changes.
    I need a new message here.
  • twstdbydsn
    1103 posts Member
    I'd rather have less GA's with more rewards than finishing one and starting another an hour later with the same crappy layout and rewards.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    Shaddes wrote: »
    His list was sarcastic but your list is ignorant. The reductions have been trivial?? Try 50% reductions in gear from GA, try 30% reduction from hardnodes, try 50% reduction from TB character shards. Assault battles are only a day now. We straight up get less TBs then we used to and the TW rewards are a joke and always have been. The hardnode increase and decrease had nothing to do with either revan?? Post some proof about that because it was a much longer period then that.

    You’re also pretty deluded saying that they create these difficult events for future goals. Are you high??? They’re so people panic farm and spend money on the gear so CG can make a ton of quick cash. My guess is you’re a 100% ftp player who’s PERSONAL goal is to get everything the second time around. No one wants to be behind if they can help it. Cls also required R2 who was a bear to get right away making CLS one of the hardest events to be ready for at its time.
    - 50% reward reduction on an event that did not exist and therefore did not give rewards at all six months ago, and which they are now running twice as often, resulting in the same overall rewards. And those rewards were retooled shortly after release.

    - Hard node drops are the same as they've always been. Energy is... not the same as it's always been, actually; we have almost twice as much of it due to the addition of mod and fleet energy. Yes, the hard node cap was reduced. No, your overall income was not reduced, because you can spread that energy out. Whether you do eight hard node farms at five attempts a day or five hard node farms at eight attempts a day, you're getting the same number of useful shards per day. Only folks this doesn't apply to are the people who've been playing for years who don't have eight hard nodes worth their time, and in that case, sink the excess energy into kryotech salvage.

    - TB character shards are a trivial portion of overall TB rewards.

    - Last month, we had three assault battles that lasted two days each. This month, we have six assault battles that last a day each. That is six days of assault battles. What's more, a line-by-line comparison of this month's event schedule next to last month's event schedule is inherently absurd. The monthly schedules are mutable. One being slightly different from the next is not an indicator of an ongoing trend.

    - The old TB schedule was two TBs every three weeks. That got stretched out to fit in FOUR TERRITORY WARS in a month, which gives us our current schedule of two territory battles and four territory wars per month. That's closer to a 30% reduction in territory battles, but whether that can be called a reduction in overall rewards is at worst debatable considering FOUR TERRITORY WARS can yield as many as twelve zeta mats and sixteen omegas.

    - The world is a complicated place. One can have more than one motivation behind a single action. Yes, the developers have mouths to feed and bills to pay and would like to stay employed, which means making money. That does not mean they are not people who have chosen to devote their careers to making video games out of a love of the medium. Yes, one goal is to make money. Yes, some people will spend to get a character sooner. For the majority who do not, the new toon creates a goal to work toward. There are fifteen thousand Malaks in a million player game. For the rest of that million, there's a goal to work toward.

    - "Behind" is, quite frankly, a silly concept in this game. All PvP is instanced, tiered, and sharded. So you might not get the newest event character this time. So what? If you get the character second or third time around, you're still getting them to a usable state faster than if they were a marquee unit who three months later goes to a node that will take several more months to farm. Sure, you might want to have them sooner, and might even choose to pay to help that happen, but nobody's forcing you, and patience is, as with all things in life, a virtue.

    - R2 was a bear to get the first time. R2 was easy to get the second time. And the second time happened right before the CLS event. No, CLS was not a complete gimme, but it was as close as a new event character has ever come.
    Still not a he.
  • CT_3315
    17 posts Member
    I've just red back through this and i gotta say, through all the salt, we actually made some decent predictions, and hopefully we do get some clones as Ponds and the other unnamed troopers are in the Geo T battle, along with Ki Adi Mundi, v-19 torrent and Maces's rework.
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