State of game/ your opinion

400 posts Member
edited May 2019
I know there’s going to be a lot of these, probably already are, but why do the developers of this game hate us? It seems they have done everything in their power in the last few months to make as many people quit as they possibly can. It’s very disappointing to see a game I’ve played since the beginning take such a turn for the worst in a matter of months. No game is perfect and there will always be things that people complain about, usually in a moment of frustration, but come on, enough is enough.

When I first started playing I talked several people into joining and playing as well. My main selling point was that it wasn’t just a cash grab. You could not spend a dime and still compete. This was very different than most of the game like it out there. I can no longer say this. I can’t get anyone to join now because everything is hidden behind a paywall. What happened to the days of investing in a game with time and effort? I understand that has to be spent but the way I’ve seen people state things, you know who they are, it’s an insane amount they intend on you to spend to be competitive.
You would think all the issues would’ve happened early in a games release, not 4 years later. Throughout the years there’s never been an outcry like has happened in the last few months. In the past it’s been mostly drop rates or the difficulty in GW. Those are workable issues. When the mass amount of players are saying they want more variety, no gear 13, and to be able to use the characters they want and not the ones developers chose for us. These are real issues. The biggest problem of all is that no one is listening to what the players want.

The reason most don’t want gear 13 is because we already have to spend an insane amount of time gearing our teams up, only to never really be able to use them. How long does it typically take to gear a 5 toon team to gear 12? Months? I recently geared my clones all to gear 12. Can you guess how many times I’ve used them? None times. Because you can’t use them in arena they’ll get slaughtered by the wall of every kind of Revan you can dream of. So really they’re worthless. I’m farming for the Malak a drevan team but with 1 piece drop a day that takes time. What happens when I finally have them all 7 *, a year from now most likely? There will be a new toy out and this will be useless. Likely way before I’m able to get there with this current drop rate.

Why do developers get to tell us who to farm? Sire, you don’t have to farm specific teams, but how can you compete in any of the events if you don’t? Even now in GA since I do t ah e a 7* Han **** I am slaughtered. Drevan and Malak ? Slaughtered. If we don’t farm who we’re clearly pushed to farm then we have no chance. What do you see in territory wars? A wall of Revans? What about ships where are the issues? Han ****? There are just certain team you are unable to beat unless you have the exact same thing, so what are we left with? An endless supply of mirror matches where only speed matters. Is any of that likely to change with gear 13? Absolutely not!! It’ll be worse!!!
So how do we fix this? Make the teams we spend so many months gearing up useful, for one. What other options are there? Any advice from you, the players, the people who actually invest their time?
Post edited by OBoogieIII on


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