Nordic Kingdom - 4 european guilds - all levels - Be a NoKstar

Nordic Kingdom is not an traditional alliance with hyper coordinated stuck up atmosphere. We are four independent nordic guilds banded together to help each other to stay afloat in this changing atmosphere. We play and have fun within our very active Discord server. We help each other no matter what the guilds experience level is. We all are different and no matter what your current situation or needs are, we will most likely have a place for you. So if you want to have a good time with this game and wish to be a NoKstar, then join us and ask around if we can accomodate you or dm me for more info.

1. Nordic Kingdom GMT+3, 185M GP, LSTB 45*, DSTB 46*, TW ~90% wins
2. NoK Raiders of Rohan, GMT+3, 174M GB, LSTB 43* DSTB 46*
3. NoK Lightsabers, GMT+1, 124M GP, Fully heroic, TB~30*
4. NoK Kinderkarten, GMT+2, 65M GP, Hpit, Haat, Sith T6
Nordic Kingdom Alliance Leader
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