GG Health + Offence

Hi All,

I am looking for some further clarification into GG's damage.

I understand his damage is based off his health, so does offence increase this in any way?

"He's no good to me dead"


  • CptNemo
    22 posts Member
    No, his offense stat can be ignored. You increase his damage output by increasing his max health.
  • CptNemo
    22 posts Member
    Just a quick reminder: His basic deals 20%, first (aoe) special 16% and second special deals 30% of his max hp as damage.
  • Options
    So a sliced health triangle would be better than crit damage?
  • Jarvind
    3932 posts Member
    So a sliced health triangle would be better than crit damage?

    I don't know which is "better," but I believe he would still benefit from a CD triangle, whereas an offense triangle would not increase his damage at all.
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    Above 38% CC a 6dot CD triangle is better than a 6dot health triangle.
    Above 44% CC a 5dot CD triangle is better than a 6dot health triangle.
    Above 66% CC a CD set is better than 2x health sets.

    (I think, dont trust this 100% as I'm doing it off the top of my head)

    Also this is in terms of average damage. You obviously get higher variance with CD compared to Health.
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