3 of us looking for new guild

2 posts Member
edited June 2019
All 3 of us have diverse teams.

Team 1 - has 3 million gp with JTR, CLS and no revans

Team 2 - has JTR, CLS and both Revans (and almost Malak) and 2.4 million gp (Top 50 Squad Arena)

Team 3 - has 2 million gp and has CLS, Darth Revan and no Jedi Revan and no JTR

We are looking forward to Sith Heroic Guilds if possible.

Thank you all :)

My ally code is 793-155-444


  • Leonine
    254 posts Member
    Hi there, Urge! I represent the Inner Sanctum Alliance - a group of 17 guilds, most of which are fully heroic. We'll be more than happy to have all 3 of you on board. You haven't specified the time zone that suits you but our guilds are US, EU and a mix of both so it would be easy to accommodate you. Let me know if you are interested and if you have any questions.
  • Options
    Hello sent you a message in game. I'm from Outcast. We are fully Heroic and can keep you guys all in the same guild!
  • Leonine
    254 posts Member
    Forgot to mention that we do not operate a feeder system within our Alliance. If you decide to join one of our guilds you'll stay in it together. We do not move people around to boost some guilds.
  • Options
    Hi! I sent you a pm...thanks
  • Options
    My guild is 102mill gp and run all raids on heroic we have room for all 3 if interested
  • Mudbutt
    195 posts Member
    151 mil guilds here everything on farm 44* DS, 42* LS. Will be running Geo tomorrow if your up for it!
  • Hanu
    138 posts Member
    Add me to discord Hanu2012#2073
    We have the perfect guild for you
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