Marianas trench at 179M GP looking for 3 people 16* on Geo TB
Hi everyone, im rantanplan11 from Marianas Trench ( we are currently searching for active players. We are an active but relaxed guild. Our only requirement is that you play in all guild activities – tag on raids, participate on TB and if you join TW you have to play it!! (we dont mind if you don’t join TW). You need discord and/or line.
We have a really cool group of people from all around the world and we try to have the raid schedulling good for everyone.
We have 179M GP with space for 3 people.
We currently have 16* on geos. Almost on the third 17* total we were 9M short on the ships territory in p4.
Our current state is this:
HSTR on farm such as HAAT and HPIT (sim).
HPIT 00:30am GMT; HAAT 00:30am GMT, HSTR 10:00pm GMT
Our win rate in TW is about 80%
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