Commander Wolffe - KIT

Light side, Clone Trooper, Galactic Republic, attacker

Disrupting shot/ basic- Deal physical damage to target enemy with 100% chance to daze them for 2 turns if they already had daze stun them for 2 turns.
Missle Rain/ Special- Deal special damage to all enemies with 75% chance to daze them 1 turn, and 85% chance to inflict burn for 3 turns. Then grant all Clone and Jedi allies any buffs that were on enemies, if no buffs were on enemies gain offense up for 3 turns. Cooldown- 3
For the 104th/ Leader- All Clone and Jedi allies have +10,000 health and protection, also clone allies gain +35% critical chance, and whenever a clone ally scores a critical hit they inflict daze for 2 turns. In addition whenever a clone trooper ally is Critically hit they gain defense up and critical hit immunity for 1 turn.
Plo Koons trust/Unique- Whenever Plo Koon scores a critical hit Wolffe has a 55% chance to assist dealing 50% more damage. Also if any clone allies are active While Plo Koon is active, then Plo Koon has 100% critical avoidance, and is immune to stun.

How to earn
Commander Wolffe, a fearless clone who will protect his General, and deal devastating damage. To earn this character you will need clone troopers. This will be a legendary event, and You will be fighting waves of separatist and Umbaran to try to get back Commander Wolffe.

Please EA let this be in game, because it has been far to long since you have done anything with clones, (Shaak Ti not included.) I mean far to long since you’ve done anything with clone Troopers.


  • Options
    That’s nice to know
    AntiFunn wrote: »
    Clone additions and reworks soon coming, young padawan. Starting August, most probably

  • Options
    As much as I'd like more clones in the game, it's still not very likely you'd need clones to get a legendary clone. You'd probably need a different faction for the unlock.
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