HMF event exploit

HMF event lists *any* same star capital ship as a requirement. This is echoed by the post by CG_SBCrumb.

The event does not require a 7* capital ship to achieve a 7* falcon.

Does this mean that an individual with at max a 6* capital ship and 7* HMF has engaged in a requirement exploit?


  • Options
    It also says you only need 3 BH ships. Be careful. CG likes to leave typos that earn then money.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    If that is factual that would definitely be a bug allowing it. I wouldn’t call it an exploit. It could also be similar to where support gave out extra shards for a complaint made.

    Just the other day a support agent gave out two 7* Kenobi Negotiator ships to the same person on 2 different accounts as a gesture of good will when she made a complaint. CG_Erik took them both back. While I agree she didn’t deserve them, I find that a bit on the grey area side they can take something back already given in good faith (apparently the support agent had the power to do it).
  • Options
    There is at least one of these examples on my fleet shard. I assume there are more.

    It seems to me the requirements check your Vader character star level in lieu of an actual capital ship. I cannot verify this.

    I can attest that EA support does not have a solution other than a 300 crystals inconvenience payment and the suggestion to post on the forums for people (anyone also on this individual’s shard) aggrieved by this inconsistency.
  • SnakesOnAPlane
    4363 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    @CG_SBCrumb may wanna do some database searches of who has 7* HMF without a 7* capital. They’re apparently out there.
  • Options
    Tf112 wrote: »
    There is at least one of these examples on my fleet shard. I assume there are more.

    It seems to me the requirements check your Vader character star level in lieu of an actual capital ship. I cannot verify this.

    I can attest that EA support does not have a solution other than a 300 crystals inconvenience payment and the suggestion to post on the forums for people (anyone also on this individual’s shard) aggrieved by this inconsistency.

    Mind posting the player and ally code, and a screenshot?
  • Tf112
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    Can’t fit windu in there, but mace ship is 5*. Sorted by rarity, so maybe not necessary to see it. Ally code unavailable since I reported the player.
  • Tf112
    9 posts Member
  • Jack1210
    771 posts Member
    Do they not give you a Vader capital ship for the event.....?
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    A player on my shard did get 7 star with 6 star capitals. Luckily for them home one was today and they got 7 stats before I could screen shot.
  • mickyluv
    140 posts Member
    Jack1210 wrote: »
    Do they not give you a Vader capital ship for the event.....?

    Yes they do. At the top the instructions say you require an xx star cap ship. The note at the bottom then says that Vader's ship will be provided for each tier of the event.
  • Tf112
    9 posts Member
    This is why I suspect the game checks for a 7* Vader character and doesn’t check against 7* capital ships.

    The requirement of *any* equal star capital ship is spelled out.

    I suppose if the player in the screenshot buys enough H1 shards today the point could be moot for the individual in re the exploit. It would indicate malum in se due to the perceived cover up.

    However, this doesn’t address those, like me, whose planning was altered in farming prior to the event on the stated requirements.
  • Tf112
    9 posts Member
    I see my legal summation was deleted.

    Here is the forum post advertising the requirements:
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It will be updated in an upcoming patch. It didnt make it into the last one but it was supposed to.

This discussion has been closed.