Valhalla Nordic League - friendliest guild in the galaxy - 94m GP

Hello there!

So we’ve got a guild, and our guild is for everyone. Whether you are new to the game, long time player or returning after a break.
We seek to provide a guild that respect that each member has work, school, kids, personal lives, and that sometimes, wanting to play games doesn’t always fit in busy lives.
Therefore, we don’t have requirements of reaching daily tickets or minimum GP.

But having zero requirements doesn’t mean we’re just a lazy bunch of auto tappers. We wanna do all of the games content and we wanna do it together.

We do hope that you will participate in the chat, or at least read it to keep yourself updated.
And we do expect you to hit join on that TW button.

At the moment we have a few spots, we’re doing Heroic Tank and Rancor and we’ve just cleared our first heroic sith raid. Yay.
Our GP is at around 94 million

If you wanna join the friendliest guild in the galaxy, then come join ours.
Hope to see you in game

Guild Name: Valhalla Nordic League

Contact me here or ingame 724-971-271
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