Will they ever respond to complaints about GAC matchmaking?



  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    I giggle every time people prematurely claims this algo benefits a specific portion whether it be lean, broad, f2p or p2p. There's simply no basis to any of these claims and are based on anectodal showcases at best.
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    No_Try wrote: »
    I giggle every time people prematurely claims this algo benefits a specific portion whether it be lean, broad, f2p or p2p. There's simply no basis to any of these claims and are based on anectodal showcases at best.

    Well considering GAC is for the whales...
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    I giggle every time people prematurely claims this algo benefits a specific portion whether it be lean, broad, f2p or p2p. There's simply no basis to any of these claims and are based on anectodal showcases at best.

    Well considering GAC is for the whales...

    How so? Please provide proof.

    Have you seen the posts everywhere where others complain that due to new algo there's no incentive to spend? How does these 2 claims merge together?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    If single anectodes are enough, here's me amongst my ally list, a super broad f2p roster and whaliest kraken I ever knew personally that you can find amongst swgoh.gg top players. I can't talk about others as I don't know them personally or encounter them daily to be in grasp of their individual capabilities. So do you claim there's a secret ingredient in the algo that benefits whales somehow invisibly? I already wore my tin foil hat, do go on.


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    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    I giggle every time people prematurely claims this algo benefits a specific portion whether it be lean, broad, f2p or p2p. There's simply no basis to any of these claims and are based on anectodal showcases at best.

    Well considering GAC is for the whales...

    How so? Please provide proof.

    Have you seen the posts everywhere where others complain that due to new algo there's no incentive to spend? How does these 2 claims merge together?

    It’s obvious... however maybe not to people who aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

    The whole concept of GAC is for people to prove they are the best, how do you become the best? Pay.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    I giggle every time people prematurely claims this algo benefits a specific portion whether it be lean, broad, f2p or p2p. There's simply no basis to any of these claims and are based on anectodal showcases at best.

    Well considering GAC is for the whales...

    How so? Please provide proof.

    Have you seen the posts everywhere where others complain that due to new algo there's no incentive to spend? How does these 2 claims merge together?

    It’s obvious... however maybe not to people who aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.

    The whole concept of GAC is for people to prove they are the best, how do you become the best? Pay.

    Yeah you seem to be the sharpest one, just not sharp enough to develop a better roster and win your matches.
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    The new match making us dreadful. Second GA in a row I have no chance of doing anything other than coming last. My opponents have more zeta, more key toons, more g13 and more 6e mods.

    It’s completely dispiriting. If the algorithm can go from fair matches where all 8 had a chance to this level of absurd I can only guess who ever wrote the algorithm is clueless,,,

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    Search the forums. There are hundreds of posts from people who did not feel the previous algorithm gave what you claim it did.
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    Which suggests that I need to post regularly so that they fix this broken algorithm. The general feel in my guild is that this algorithm is worse. Though most only marginally so..From my point of view it’s dreadful. There is nothing I could do that would make my rosters competitive with my opponents short of spending probably 10 grand. The algorithm isn’t correctly weighting toons and mods, it’s simplistic and badly designed. It needs to be replaced, it’s hardly difficult.
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    Jarvind wrote: »
    Will they ever respond to complaints about GAC matchmaking?

    They have. Several times.

    Scrubs: "Ship GP shouldn't count when there are no ships! I can't win because your matchmaking is bad!"
    Devs: "OK, ship GP no longer counts when there are no ships."

    Scrubs: "I fluft my roster 4 TB! I cant win bcuz ur matchmaking r bad!"
    Devs: "OK, only your top squads count for matchmaking now."

    Scrubs: "i no haz darf malk! cn no win bc ur gaem r p2w and ur fase iz dum"

    See the pattern? It's some "give a mouse a cookie" nonsense. The only constant is that scrubbies gonna scrub, and no matter what they do to fine tune the matchmaking, they'll continue to whine every time they aren't handed first place on a silver platter.

    So I assume by your childish reaction you're a p2w that this matchmaking benefits.

    If people weren’t to half **** gearing characters the initial problem of having wide rosters wouldn’t of happened and the most logical matchmaking based on pure roster GP would work.

    You didn't actually address what I said, you just called me names and accused me of "paying to win." Shockingly, this does very little to convince me that I'm wrong.

    Yes, having a "wide" roster is a disadvantage. I don't think anyone disputes that. I know I don't.

    However, I had a fair amount of "fluff" when GA came out. So when it became immediately obvious that this was a bad thing for me, I started focusing hard on a team, and not switching focus until they were PVP-ready. Now I pretty handily dispatch most GA opponents; I've only lost three or four times since it came out, and the worst I've ever done in a bracket is 2nd place. I still have a whole bunch of g8-g9 rubbish padding my roster, not to mention a few 7-starred ships with trash pilots that aren't helping me at all when there's a fleet territory. But I figured out a way to make it work.

    They're never, never, never going to come up with a perfectly "fair" matchmaking algorithm because why would they? They want you to want to compete, and the easiest way to do that is to fork over dollars. Your options are as follows:

    A: Keep wailing for a "fair" matching system that will almost certainly never come
    B: Change the way you play and turn some of that g7 trash into usable teams

    I can tell you from experience that at least one of those options works. I'll let you figure out which one.
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