


  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    Gair wrote: »
    Some good sarcasm or exaggeration usually gets misunderstood.

    Poorly constructed jokes also get misunderstood. And in this case, I understood the joke, it was just told wrong.
    I need a new message here.
  • Whatelse73
    2237 posts Member
    Warrior explained it pretty good today on the RSG Jedi Academy. There isn't an Omega crunch for people at a particular GP level because they don't need anything anymore. It's more painful now than a year ago because there are so many more teams, more abilities, more characters that have abilities you need to omega for them to be viable. Let alone the zeta pieces to go with them. This weekend I'll have 60 zeta pieces but maybe ten omegas.

    And it's not worth the time trying to debate or discuss with you CG_TVF. No matter what a player states here, no matter how well they state their opinion, you'll shoot it down if it is a dig on CG. Same as a few others that have become the CG Defense Force on these forums.

    They could start requiring players to sign over their first born for sacrifice for G13 or level 90 and your response would be, "well you don't HAVE to get G13 or level 90, that's your decision" and/or "well, just make another kid and get over it."
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