Jenkooine - 125m GP guild is looking for 3-4 players!

Hello everyone!

Jenkooine is looking for friendly, social and active players to join our family!

First of all, I want to highlight that we are a very social guild (using Discord which is highly encouraged) from the US and Europe. Life outside of Swgoh always comes first but we all have a deep passion for Star Wars content and really enjoy the game.

We have been focusing a lot on TW since the early start, and are currently holding a score of 73-2! We look for people that enjoy TW and I will be honest with you, we expect you/our future members to follow strategies (provided for on Discord and in-game) and also contribute either on defense or offense when TW starts. That's basically the "only" rule that you must follow :wink:

Beyond TW, we are aiming at 11* Geo this TB-event.

We have all raids on heroic farm. Unlocked our guilds first Traya recently with an additional 10 Traya's coming after the next few HSTR.

Short necessary information;

Guild name: Jenkooine

Guild recruiter: Forum - blundgren, in-game - "SnakeDog" (ally-code 811-144-259)

Reset time raids: 1am PST

Raids: HRancor/HAAT/HSTR 2 times a week (24h join period, then free for all)

Territory Battles and Territory Wars: Geo 10*, LS TB 32*, DS TB 32+*, TW 73-2

Minimum activity/participation requirements: Active on a daily basis and that you join Discord. Also getting 600 tickets per day is necessary so we can raid as often as possible. No activity in raids is required since we have them on farm.

Minimum GP and character requirements: 2-2.5m GP

If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me in-game (ally-code 811-144-259) or send a DM on discord (SnakeDog#2251). If you feel like you don't meet the requirements, send me a message anyway and we'll at least have a chat about it! It's more important for us that we find the "right" people than those with a heavy roster :)



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