177M GP GP Guild has 3 openings.

200 posts Member
We are Bbbboom.

Our guild is based in the UK but we have members from all over the world.

All raids at heroic and start at 20:00UK
Our only Raid rule is to keep the rancor alive for 15 minutes after it is open. All raids start with a 12 hour sign up window.

Current GP 177M with 48/50

TB LS 44/45
DS 46/47/48.
Geo 18/33

Our expectations for new members:
1, Discord
2, at least 500 energy per day.
3, Must participate in TB/TW (If signed for TW) and score at least 0 on raids.
4, we have no strict GP requirement, but will check your roster for quality

If that sounds good for you, feel free to send me a dm with your ally code or swgoh.gg link😉


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