Raid Gear Availability

First, let me say, make your paper CG. This isn't meant to simply be asking for more rewards. New gear should be highly monetized (tbh I think it was too cheap) as well as new meta characters (again Malak should've cost more.) And new characters should continue to require new gear that should also be monetized.
That being said, please consider relaxing the old gear bottlenecks. This can help increase the game's QoL I n many says.
First, meta diversity. As we know, many missed Malak but other teams like Padme and Grevious can counter. However, gearing early levels is very painful. Paying for g13 Grevious could be done more impulsively, and paid for, if the team didn't take so long to gear.
I think this is also the reason the game is so early- mid player unfriendly. And without newer players coming in, the game will fade.
Most any games that I know that continue to last and make money due so by making it new- player friendly. And , as a mid-game player (2.9m gp) threw cost arc is way too high compared to older players.
To sum up, I think many people would love to play teams, even pay for them, when they are relevant. However, as the cost of doing so has increased over time.
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