Empire Strikes Back (non-meta team idea)

91 posts Member
edited March 2016
Although I've been doing well in Arena recently with my very meta QGJ, Yoda, Lumi, RG, GS team, I'm kind of itching to try out something different. Yesterday I was looking through my characters and noticed my 6* Tarkin collecting dust. For the first time I took a closer look at his abilities and noticed he has a speed leadership ability for Empire allies. Then I remembered that my 7* RG is also Empire, and decided to see what kind of Empire squad I could build. Here's what I came up with:
  • 6* Tarkin (lead)
  • 5* Vader
  • 7* RG
  • 7* Sid
  • 7* IG-88

With Tarkin's leadership ability maxed out, Tarkin, Vader, and RG all get +26 speed, which results in the following first turn order:
  1. Sid (153)
  2. Vader (145)
  3. RG (136)
  4. Tarkin (128)
  5. IG-88 (118)

Some things to note about how this would play out:
  • IG-88 goes last, by which time all 5 opponents should have at least one debuff most of the time, maximizing his damage and hopefully leaving your opponent down a couple characters with the rest in the red
  • 4 of 5 characters have a powerful AOE attack, which is quite helpful in a taunt-filled meta
  • All 5 characters apply debuffs with at least one ability, including Speed Down, Offense Down, Ability Block, Stun, Heal Immunity, and lots of DOTs, which should maximize Vader's Culling Blade
  • RG's second ability grants Max-Health Up to Vader and Tarkin in addition to himself, which with 136 speed can be done pretty quickly, especially if he gains turn meter from somebody else getting attacked
  • RG can help ensure Tarkin and IG-88 survive to attack at least once most of the time
  • Assuming you opponent doesn't go turn 1 mass Tenacity Up, Tarkin's Intimidation Tactics can apply Offense Down for 3 turns to all enemies, which is even longer than Old Ben's ability. He can then save his Ultimate Firepower AOE damage attack to do cleanup on turn 2, by which time your enemies will likely be clinging to life and unable to deal any real damage.

Obviously, this team will be even better if I can get the last 21 shards I need to 7* Tarkin and when I can get Vader to 6* (still quite a ways off). I also would probably swap out Sid for Magmatrooper if I had one starred up, since his AOE damage + turn meter drain skill becomes a lot more powerful with the 145 speed he'd get with Tarkin lead, plus with RG's Max-Health Up he'd have a whopping 21,022 health.

Now while Yoda may seem the obvious counter to this team with a first turn Battle Meditation, even without debuffs sticking, you're still hitting 4 times with AOE damage attacks in the first turn, and with Yoda not attacking turn 1 it means your team is that much less worse for wear afterward, plus Yoda won't have Foresight to dodge one of your attacks and will likely be dead. Unlike Old Ben and Poe whose abilities are basically completely neutralized by Tenacity Up.

So what do you think? Does this team have potential to shake up the meta?
Post edited by DrD on


  • JohnnyMakeBelieve
    204 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Looks good on paper, but in real game play things are different sadly

    I am curious tho and would fight it asap if I was to see it on my server
  • Options
    Looks good on paper, but in real game play things are different sadly

    I am curious tho and would fight it asap if I was to see it on my server

    You mean you are curious if your player controlled team could beat this while AI controlled? Without knowing your team, I'd say yes. The real question is can he compete while controlling this team against top AI controlled teams. I'd say AoE is viable but you are looking at least a 20% chance of losing 88 in one hit from QGJ.
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    Cool idea. Like the poster above, however, I don't think IG-88 really has a chance on defense this meta though. There are too many high damage/call to assist characters that will take him out before your Royal Guard can even blink. Take it from someone whose droid team gets destroyed several times a day by said characters.
  • Options
    Fun idea on offense. Will work. On defense and AI controlling, Sid goes, Vader goes, opposing team puts up a taunt and instead od AoE, the AI basic attacks the taunter and ruins the plans.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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