Easy way to even the playing field

Dolphins and whales are moaning that the cost just became extortionate to lvl 7 relics, f2p are moaning that it takes at least a month of cantina energy and gear farming to lvl 7 a relic after a long grind to even get them to g13.

It’s simple, add the relic equipment and salvage to guild and shard stop. Sure p2p get an advantage as we should for spending, but it makes it viable for f2p to atleast stay competitive. A f2p with a couple lvl 1-2 relics can’t compete any longer against gg lvl 7 relics.

Overall I like the relics, it was needed with how difficult p4 geo Tb is but it was too soon after g13. People are still trying to get their squads to g13 and then this is put on them.

Just my suggestion anyway, thoughts?


  • Options
    I’m struggling too, almost completely out of currencies in all shops. But at least we have a choice then, gear or relic. At the moment to farm the cantina for even a lvl 5 relic it’s atleast 4-5 days on double to triple refresh. The salvage for lvl 5 I just don’t have the gear to convert, completely out. Make it obtainable without cash, just saying giving the player base different ways to get it would be good for everyone.
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    There is enough already in the shard shop. I can't keep up currently. No thanks.

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