UTD Reds, UK-time based, all-heroic 158m guild, looking for 2 members.

We are Utd Reds - fast-growing and highly active 158+ million GP all-heroic guild with a family-style, relaxed environment where we share our love for the game. We have two idle players right now, that needs to be replced. Check our swgohh.gg account - https://swgoh.gg/g/13083/utd-reds/
If you interested, here what you can expect form our guild -
Friendly atmosphere without hard pushing and kicking players for every mistake
HSRaid on farm
Help in developing wisely your roster
Good TW win/lose ratio
We have strong inner structure and clear developing plan
No strange rules, just common raid ones and some TW guidance
Here is more detailed info:
- Raids - We currently autorun HPit and HAAT with 24h registration period. We do Tier 7 of the Sith Triumvirate. All radis is FFA. For Rancor, soloers must wait 30 minutes from raid start to post damage.
- Territory Battles - we are doing only GTB for now, 16 stars so far, and we can farm Wat Shards also
- Territory Wars - For TW, we have a comprehensive defensive structure and specific attack strategy which has given positive win/lose ratio.
- Guild Reset is at 6:30 pm GMT so all raids are launched then. Rancor raid laucned at 7:00 GMT. Character refresh is at 12:00am GMT.
- Criteria for joining: We accept players with minimum GP 2,5m. You must have some GTB teams ready. Our main communication tool is discord. Participation is required in all aspects of the game.
Feel free to contact me @Armatores (624-975-176) or join our discord server lobby to discuss anything you might ask: https://discord.gg/wZWeZmA


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