ONE TIME GIFT from CG to players who stayed


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    Free gifts, eh? How about.....

    General Kenobi's R7 Relic Ability "The Troll Ground". Any enemy that attacks Kenobi is immediately trolled by the General and loses 50% offense. If Jedi Knight Anakin is present, he gains the unique buff "Master of Getting Caught" which decreases his evasion to 0, but increases his armor by 50%. Instantly defeats Pre Visla and robot Maul and seduces Lady Satine.
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    Oh BTW I want a test account resources in my own account. Just for fun you know. :)
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    VaexquaGer wrote: »
    I'm very sure that CG will prepare those gifts as soon as they read this.
    Btw., can I have a sixth and seventh slot for my arena-team?

    They wont read this until 2024
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    this is ridiculous...unless??
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Olderaan wrote: »
    Oh BTW I want a test account resources in my own account. Just for fun you know. :)

    Depending on your credit card spending limit, this is already provided.
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    Forget what I said before, I just want a belly rub. That's all.
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    this is ridiculous...unless??

    Unless they consider this wishlist for the incoming 4th year celebration.
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    If we're going to go big, we might as well go big.

    For every player who stayed, they should get to have their own shard where they can be #1 in arena forever.
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    I want clone wars chewie, but he must be carrying Yoda.

    How about hermit yoda on CLS’s back? The kit is simply a combination of both of their individual abilities.

    In time. I also want a Chewie with 3PO on his back, can solo the HAAT by himself. Come to think of it, is it me, or does Chewie literally have everyone on his back?
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Were you here for the initial mod rollout accompanied by the subsequent Neefageddon 2.0? Or the precraft debacle? Or the introduction of protection which (if I remember correctly) was accompanied by the original Nerfageddon? Or the time they jacked the difficulty of GW through the roof (back when it was still important and not simable)? Or the time they showed a 5* requirement for CHS in the TB preview footage then released it with a 7* requirement? Or the time they lyingly told us they were buffing the Sith raid rewards and then nerfed the **** out of them? This is not the greatest thing they’ve ever done, but it will be added to a long list of bone-headed, anti-player moves.

    I like the idea of relics. I like that it potentially brings up lots of garbage characters to a more useful level. But it is TOO SOON after g13. And it’s a very drastic jump in power all at once which is jarring to people. And they lied to us about saying they would accompany this change with an easier gear crunch.

    I don’t think it’s the worst decision they have made. I’m sure they have squeezed quite a bit of money out of their most loyal kraken. It might be less crushing of an experience to non-kraken if they would actually come through on their plan to ease even just a few miserable gear pieces making at least g12 less difficult. But they won’t. They probably lied again. They don’t care about all the people who left recently, because they already have their money. They are counting on new blood from episode 9. I wouldn’t count on it getting any better, and a giant gift for sticking it out (as OP suggests) is out of the question.

    This won’t destroy the game. It just sucks, to some people who will quit. It’s the constant lying to me that is actually the worst part.
    Most of those "lies" are not lies. Nor are they "anti-player moves."

    They're you getting upset over reasonable decisions that you don't like, or putting words CG never said in their mouths.

    Previews are not the final version, nor are they promises. It's CG's job to balance the game as they see fit, and sometimes that means turning a knob down instead of up. A "nerf" is not a lie. No matter how much the boards and Reddit love to get up in arms every time it happens, no matter how justified, even over things that are not nerfs.

    CG's done multiple changes to the Sith Raid rewards, but been pretty up front about what they're doing. Like when they said they were lowering the health pools of T1-6 and adding slicing materials to T6-7, they did that. When they added the plus pieces to the Sith Raid, they had an extensive post on what that entailed that was not, "buff Sith raid rewards." It was a thousand word essay that had a lot of details and motivations to it. That you in your head reduced all that to "buff Sith raid rewards" and then decided you didn't like the way they changed the rewards and defined it as a nerf and therefore lie is on you. Not on CG.

    CG has been easing gear crunch for literally years. Overall income is vastly higher than it was two years ago because we keep gaining more and more sources of stuff, while in that time they have added one gear level plus relics, which call for less than one gear level of relevant gear, with cantina energy being the more limiting resource. A resource which does not compete with gearing anyone. What's more. there was never a promise that the gear crunch would be eased the instant relics dropped. Anything they do to change gear income will be a process, and made in response to analytics following the release of relics. That future changes are not here right now is not a lie.

    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.
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    EA/CG make a significant gift outside of game birthday or christmas??
    No, they are not so generous
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    For this to happen you have to assume they care about f2ps and little dolphins quitting the game. Breaking news: they don't. Especially since the chances they're going to shut down the servers and kill the game pretty soon skyrocketed with the last insane stuff they added in the game.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Drazhar wrote: »
    For this to happen you have to assume they care about f2ps and little dolphins quitting the game. Breaking news: they don't. Especially since the chances they're going to shut down the servers and kill the game pretty soon skyrocketed with the last insane stuff they added in the game.

    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Were you here for the initial mod rollout accompanied by the subsequent Neefageddon 2.0? Or the precraft debacle? Or the introduction of protection which (if I remember correctly) was accompanied by the original Nerfageddon? Or the time they jacked the difficulty of GW through the roof (back when it was still important and not simable)? Or the time they showed a 5* requirement for CHS in the TB preview footage then released it with a 7* requirement? Or the time they lyingly told us they were buffing the Sith raid rewards and then nerfed the **** out of them? This is not the greatest thing they’ve ever done, but it will be added to a long list of bone-headed, anti-player moves.

    I like the idea of relics. I like that it potentially brings up lots of garbage characters to a more useful level. But it is TOO SOON after g13. And it’s a very drastic jump in power all at once which is jarring to people. And they lied to us about saying they would accompany this change with an easier gear crunch.

    I don’t think it’s the worst decision they have made. I’m sure they have squeezed quite a bit of money out of their most loyal kraken. It might be less crushing of an experience to non-kraken if they would actually come through on their plan to ease even just a few miserable gear pieces making at least g12 less difficult. But they won’t. They probably lied again. They don’t care about all the people who left recently, because they already have their money. They are counting on new blood from episode 9. I wouldn’t count on it getting any better, and a giant gift for sticking it out (as OP suggests) is out of the question.

    This won’t destroy the game. It just sucks, to some people who will quit. It’s the constant lying to me that is actually the worst part.
    Most of those "lies" are not lies. Nor are they "anti-player moves."

    They're you getting upset over reasonable decisions that you don't like, or putting words CG never said in their mouths.

    Previews are not the final version, nor are they promises. It's CG's job to balance the game as they see fit, and sometimes that means turning a knob down instead of up. A "nerf" is not a lie. No matter how much the boards and Reddit love to get up in arms every time it happens, no matter how justified, even over things that are not nerfs.

    CG's done multiple changes to the Sith Raid rewards, but been pretty up front about what they're doing. Like when they said they were lowering the health pools of T1-6 and adding slicing materials to T6-7, they did that. When they added the plus pieces to the Sith Raid, they had an extensive post on what that entailed that was not, "buff Sith raid rewards." It was a thousand word essay that had a lot of details and motivations to it. That you in your head reduced all that to "buff Sith raid rewards" and then decided you didn't like the way they changed the rewards and defined it as a nerf and therefore lie is on you. Not on CG.

    CG has been easing gear crunch for literally years. Overall income is vastly higher than it was two years ago because we keep gaining more and more sources of stuff, while in that time they have added one gear level plus relics, which call for less than one gear level of relevant gear, with cantina energy being the more limiting resource. A resource which does not compete with gearing anyone. What's more. there was never a promise that the gear crunch would be eased the instant relics dropped. Anything they do to change gear income will be a process, and made in response to analytics following the release of relics. That future changes are not here right now is not a lie.

    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.

    With ships 2.0, they said they wanted to introduce a paper-rock-scissors environment to the fleet arena. When 2.0 was released, it did create a variety in the arena but mostly because people didn’t have geos geared. Shortly after that, they introduced Hound’s Tooth, and we haven’t had anything close to a diverse fleet arena since.

    I’ve noticed when CG make these statements, the statement is technically accurate. However, it is also intended to deceive. Invest in all ships and enjoy this diverse arena...oh wait, now there’s a new ship that can defeat all others...I guess you’ll have to pay for it if you want to continue to compete.
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.
    You accused CG of lying, and in the same breath gave a list of what appeared to be examples. You say CG removed full drops from the Sith raid, yet I still get them routinely. They're still there. You use words like "devastated" and "gutted" in ways that are super questionable.

    By your own standards, you are a liar.

    The alternative is that language is an imprecise tool and just because you choose to frame what CG meant in a very specific way that is in your best interests does not mean that is the only valid meaning for those words, nor does it mean they are liars because you refuse to acknowledge how language works or put any effort into understanding rather than projecting.
    Still not a he.
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.
    You accused CG of lying, and in the same breath gave a list of what appeared to be examples. You say CG removed full drops from the Sith raid, yet I still get them routinely. They're still there. You use words like "devastated" and "gutted" in ways that are super questionable.

    By your own standards, you are a liar.

    The alternative is that language is an imprecise tool and just because you choose to frame what CG meant in a very specific way that is in your best interests does not mean that is the only valid meaning for those words, nor does it mean they are liars because you refuse to acknowledge how language works or put any effort into understanding rather than projecting.

    Go back and look at the order of my post. Someone said relics are the worst thing they have ever done. I gave a list of other potential candidates for worst thing. I did not state or imply that all were lies. Then after that I stated that the times they lied were the worst of those in my opinion. You are making things up, or didn’t actually read.

    Secondly, CG admitted that they cut rewards for the Sith raid after the huge uproar on the forum. They sometimes drop now. They ALWAYS dropped before. In fact multiple pieces frequently dropped. I wonder why they apologized for being misleading if they weren’t misleading us? Hmmm.

    In any case, go back and actually look at the dev posts from the time I’m not your research assistant. You are misquoting me to make up imaginary falsehoods. That is different from doing the opposite of what you say in black and white.
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    TVF wrote: »
    We get log in rewards everyday.

    Training droids!

    I've seen others run out of them

    How? I don't believe that, I feel like it's mathematically impossible to generate enough credits to even use all training droids (Unless you are specifically ignoring the training droid challenge).
  • Monel
    2793 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Drazhar wrote: »
    For this to happen you have to assume they care about f2ps and little dolphins quitting the game. Breaking news: they don't. Especially since the chances they're going to shut down the servers and kill the game pretty soon skyrocketed with the last insane stuff they added in the game.



    Proof that little dolphins just ride on the backs of bigger dolphins!
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Sample size of 1 though.
    I need a new message here.
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    Zalkalwe wrote: »
    It would be to roll back the whole relic thing. It's destroying the game. After all this time, I feel it's the single worst thing they have done.

    Yet arena is the most diversified and hey dont get mad at CG for making you farm resources.

    I mean come on smh.
  • Monel
    2793 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Sample size of 1 though.


    This one is riding a whale! The audacity!
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Monel wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Sample size of 1 though.


    This one is riding a whale! The audacity!

    Taken from my discord. Reported for cheating!
    I need a new message here.
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    A one time reward isn't the best way to keep players engaged. I think tailoring the daily login rewards based on how long you've been playing is a better way.

    A lot if the stuff we get is useless to long-term players.

    Maybe do a progressive system where if you log on for the first month, your second month rewards are more. Then the third is a little better. After a year or two of logging on everyday, there would be a big difference.

    At the same time, they need to make it easier for new players to catch up. This can best be done by making a new store to put so.e older but good characters that most veteran characters already have but aren't meta anymore. Example jtr requirements, jkr requirements, bhs and ewoks that are currently cantina or hard node farms, and ot falcoln requirements once the meta changes.

    Then add the darth revan toons once the meta shifts. This would allow newer players to farm for the new meta and other good toons simultaneously. This would also be a good source of shard shop currency for vertern players and allow for using energy for gear, also easing the gear crunch. So a win for all.
  • Ultra
    11596 posts Moderator
    TVF wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Sample size of 1 though.


    This one is riding a whale! The audacity!

    Taken from my discord. Reported for cheating!
    So those rumors of a whale only discord with CG staff in it was true after all
  • Monel
    2793 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Sample size of 1 though.


    This one is riding a whale! The audacity!

    Taken from my discord. Reported for cheating!
    So those rumors of a whale only discord with CG staff in it was true after all

    I can neither confirm nor deny!
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    Ultra wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Sample size of 1 though.


    This one is riding a whale! The audacity!

    Taken from my discord. Reported for cheating!
    So those rumors of a whale only discord with CG staff in it was true after all

    We even have dolphins riding on our whales in the discord. I'm tagging you @Ultra because I don't want this to get out.
    I need a new message here.
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    Proof of collusion.
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    JacenRoe wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Were you here for the initial mod rollout accompanied by the subsequent Neefageddon 2.0? Or the precraft debacle? Or the introduction of protection which (if I remember correctly) was accompanied by the original Nerfageddon? Or the time they jacked the difficulty of GW through the roof (back when it was still important and not simable)? Or the time they showed a 5* requirement for CHS in the TB preview footage then released it with a 7* requirement? Or the time they lyingly told us they were buffing the Sith raid rewards and then nerfed the **** out of them? This is not the greatest thing they’ve ever done, but it will be added to a long list of bone-headed, anti-player moves.

    I like the idea of relics. I like that it potentially brings up lots of garbage characters to a more useful level. But it is TOO SOON after g13. And it’s a very drastic jump in power all at once which is jarring to people. And they lied to us about saying they would accompany this change with an easier gear crunch.

    I don’t think it’s the worst decision they have made. I’m sure they have squeezed quite a bit of money out of their most loyal kraken. It might be less crushing of an experience to non-kraken if they would actually come through on their plan to ease even just a few miserable gear pieces making at least g12 less difficult. But they won’t. They probably lied again. They don’t care about all the people who left recently, because they already have their money. They are counting on new blood from episode 9. I wouldn’t count on it getting any better, and a giant gift for sticking it out (as OP suggests) is out of the question.

    This won’t destroy the game. It just sucks, to some people who will quit. It’s the constant lying to me that is actually the worst part.
    Most of those "lies" are not lies. Nor are they "anti-player moves."

    They're you getting upset over reasonable decisions that you don't like, or putting words CG never said in their mouths.

    Previews are not the final version, nor are they promises. It's CG's job to balance the game as they see fit, and sometimes that means turning a knob down instead of up. A "nerf" is not a lie. No matter how much the boards and Reddit love to get up in arms every time it happens, no matter how justified, even over things that are not nerfs.

    CG's done multiple changes to the Sith Raid rewards, but been pretty up front about what they're doing. Like when they said they were lowering the health pools of T1-6 and adding slicing materials to T6-7, they did that. When they added the plus pieces to the Sith Raid, they had an extensive post on what that entailed that was not, "buff Sith raid rewards." It was a thousand word essay that had a lot of details and motivations to it. That you in your head reduced all that to "buff Sith raid rewards" and then decided you didn't like the way they changed the rewards and defined it as a nerf and therefore lie is on you. Not on CG.

    CG has been easing gear crunch for literally years. Overall income is vastly higher than it was two years ago because we keep gaining more and more sources of stuff, while in that time they have added one gear level plus relics, which call for less than one gear level of relevant gear, with cantina energy being the more limiting resource. A resource which does not compete with gearing anyone. What's more. there was never a promise that the gear crunch would be eased the instant relics dropped. Anything they do to change gear income will be a process, and made in response to analytics following the release of relics. That future changes are not here right now is not a lie.

    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.

    Surprised you didnt mention the temporary exhibition GAC rewards that players were promised would get revised once actual GAC starts. He we are multiple gacs in real GAC and still we have "exhibition" rewards, just another clear example of a lie propagated onto the player base. If the exhibition rewards are not going to be updated why not just come out and say it, honesty goes a long way with customers, sadly players are just lied to over and over.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Were you here for the initial mod rollout accompanied by the subsequent Neefageddon 2.0? Or the precraft debacle? Or the introduction of protection which (if I remember correctly) was accompanied by the original Nerfageddon? Or the time they jacked the difficulty of GW through the roof (back when it was still important and not simable)? Or the time they showed a 5* requirement for CHS in the TB preview footage then released it with a 7* requirement? Or the time they lyingly told us they were buffing the Sith raid rewards and then nerfed the **** out of them? This is not the greatest thing they’ve ever done, but it will be added to a long list of bone-headed, anti-player moves.

    I like the idea of relics. I like that it potentially brings up lots of garbage characters to a more useful level. But it is TOO SOON after g13. And it’s a very drastic jump in power all at once which is jarring to people. And they lied to us about saying they would accompany this change with an easier gear crunch.

    I don’t think it’s the worst decision they have made. I’m sure they have squeezed quite a bit of money out of their most loyal kraken. It might be less crushing of an experience to non-kraken if they would actually come through on their plan to ease even just a few miserable gear pieces making at least g12 less difficult. But they won’t. They probably lied again. They don’t care about all the people who left recently, because they already have their money. They are counting on new blood from episode 9. I wouldn’t count on it getting any better, and a giant gift for sticking it out (as OP suggests) is out of the question.

    This won’t destroy the game. It just sucks, to some people who will quit. It’s the constant lying to me that is actually the worst part.
    Most of those "lies" are not lies. Nor are they "anti-player moves."

    They're you getting upset over reasonable decisions that you don't like, or putting words CG never said in their mouths.

    Previews are not the final version, nor are they promises. It's CG's job to balance the game as they see fit, and sometimes that means turning a knob down instead of up. A "nerf" is not a lie. No matter how much the boards and Reddit love to get up in arms every time it happens, no matter how justified, even over things that are not nerfs.

    CG's done multiple changes to the Sith Raid rewards, but been pretty up front about what they're doing. Like when they said they were lowering the health pools of T1-6 and adding slicing materials to T6-7, they did that. When they added the plus pieces to the Sith Raid, they had an extensive post on what that entailed that was not, "buff Sith raid rewards." It was a thousand word essay that had a lot of details and motivations to it. That you in your head reduced all that to "buff Sith raid rewards" and then decided you didn't like the way they changed the rewards and defined it as a nerf and therefore lie is on you. Not on CG.

    CG has been easing gear crunch for literally years. Overall income is vastly higher than it was two years ago because we keep gaining more and more sources of stuff, while in that time they have added one gear level plus relics, which call for less than one gear level of relevant gear, with cantina energy being the more limiting resource. A resource which does not compete with gearing anyone. What's more. there was never a promise that the gear crunch would be eased the instant relics dropped. Anything they do to change gear income will be a process, and made in response to analytics following the release of relics. That future changes are not here right now is not a lie.

    I didn’t say nerfs were lies. Lies are lies. And they lie quite a bit. They are different things. You can tell because they are different words.

    The long list of stuff they did was not a list of lies. It was to put relics in context as not the biggest disaster in the history of the game. (Nerfs and lies were on that list even though I’m fully aware that they are different things.) I’ve lost several guildmates over this, but the initial rollout of mods was devastating to my guild at the time. We lost our leader, and like a third of the guild. Some of the changes were necessary. But they handled them HORRIBLY. And they lie about things. Can’t be clear enough about that. They are blatant liars.

    All the other things they said about the Sith raid are totally irrelevant. In that list they said they were raising rewards. Then they gutted them, and pulled all the full drops out. That was a straight lie. Everything else you said about that was superfluous nonsense that doesn’t change the fact that they lied.

    Giving us kyros to make other gear less needed was also a blatant lie. They gave us miserable gear tables with 200-500 kyros added on top. Lie.

    Half truths presented without context to deceive also count. They have increased gear requirements while increasing gear income making the gear grind worse. If your boss is also your landlord and then they give you a small raise with a big rent increase then they shouldn’t tell you they are doing you a favor.

    Surprised you didnt mention the temporary exhibition GAC rewards that players were promised would get revised once actual GAC starts. He we are multiple gacs in real GAC and still we have "exhibition" rewards, just another clear example of a lie propagated onto the player base. If the exhibition rewards are not going to be updated why not just come out and say it, honesty goes a long way with customers, sadly players are just lied to over and over.

    Can you link to this please?
    I need a new message here.
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    1* G1 Parker Lewis - cause Parker Lewis cant lose.

    Some games have veteran rewards that go in 3 month intervals that may calumniate to something, I can’t see them doing it.

    Nice Flashback!
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