135M GP guild Rebellion Retribution looking for members

Rebellion Retribution is 135 million GP and looking for players after a few left in a short space of time.

All raids are on farm with a 24 hour join period.  We are finishing HSTR in 12 to 16 hours and sim our Pit raids. All raids have a revolving time as we have a few members in different countries so we can accommodate everyone.

We have another guild which forms an alliance and members share knowledge between each other on our Discord.

Rebellion Retribution is a guild that tries its hardest in all the events that come along, with good win ratios in TW and an average score 18 stars in Geo TB. We are casual and don’t require large amounts of communication, but would like high levels of participation in the important areas of the game.

Anyone who joins would be very welcome and we will try to work around you as we know real life comes first.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Our requirements are:
3 million GP.
Guild chat on the Discord app.
Notification of long length absences.
Participation in all guild events.
500+ raid tickets per day (the majority of the guild collects 600 per day as more tickets = more raids).
Territory Battle required squads are a plus.
TW tuned rosters are even better!

Our guild reset time is 6:30 PM GMT

If we sound like a good fit and would like to learn more about us, come chat with us on Discord.



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