Tracking of drop rates



  • EA_Rtas
    1141 posts Member
    As has been pointed out by a few people so far this is going off topic and turning into bickering, reel it back and keep it on topic.

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    Don't waste your time arguing with people who just want to argue about anything. This forum is nothing but an ego boost to them. That’s why they are always so quick to point out how they, “ never spend any money” or “ not a whale”. If you point out a feeling you have, or an experience you e come across that doesn’t fit into something that makes them feel better about themselves them , “ you need to get better. “

    All they want is something they can brag about and make themselves feel good. Most people know that dropping a couple hundred bucks here and there doesn’t make you better at this game. It does , maybe, make you have extra money to blow. Personally, I’d rather just say, “ yeah, I’ve got tons of extra cash and I blow it on this game. What’s the problem?”

    But very rarely do you come across many who will come rightist and say that they’re a whale, or spend tons. But those aren’t the ones looking for an argument, because they don’t need the ego boost. Don’t waste your time with the

    If you do want to, though, just go to your nearest wall and argue with it. It’s a very similar experience
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    Originally posted in another thread on 10th September (and updated a few times), but I have been running 15 nodes a day since Shaak ti was released to her ship node. While you can see I got off to a poor start, the deeper into the farm I get, the more it normalizes towards the expected 33%.

    “I'm the one dragging the numbers down... currently running 86/285 (or just a skosh over 30%)

    Updated (17.Sep) to still a bit behind expected (but that isn't really news, with a 'slow' start the correction to normal will likely take longer to appear), now running at just over 30.5% at 119/390

    Latest update (23.Sep) still 2 days behind expected but slowly creeping closer, now at 150/480 or 31.25%.

    As of October 1st, 194/600 or 32.3%.”
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    JDIII wrote: »
    Some random stranger saying he pulled this much on this day, and that much on that day isn’t real data. I can say that my drops were 4/5 for a certain character for 3 months straight, it don’t make it data. A lot of players said that the drop rates are about 33%, and a lot of players said it isn’t.
    What does make data, then?

    I’d take anyone who had tracked a node for 3 months seriously, and their data would be significant.

    The thing that the “lot of players” who say it isn’t 33% all have in common is that none of them have more than 3 days worth of data, let alone 3 weeks or 3 months.

    To be fair, if 100 players reported their rates on a single day, it would also count as fairly significant data.

    Now to all the bickering posts here, you are all going off topic. Nowhere did I say that rates are below 33%. Even from my 1 day of data you can see that i have significantly varying results between just 2 accounts.
    Shaak Ti went into her fleet node on 24 August. I’ve done exactly 10 sims per day from that day forward.

    380 sims, 140 shards. 36.8% drop rate.

    Nerf drop rates!

    Actually thanks for reminding me that there’s that shortcut method to approximate the rates. If I were to use that method I would be slightly below 30%. At least 15 attempts a day, currently at 54/100. Bought 25 shards from weekly, another 8 from shipments, and at initial release i used 2 of the crystal packs to get her to 4*. So at around 38 days since she went on her node, that’s 171 shards out of 570 attempts (at least), so slightly below 30%.

    Can’t approximate as well on my alt since I sometimes forget to do things there, but in general all the better 4/5 3/5 drops i’ve seen happen on that account. It even gets better mods than my main =_=“
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    DadKev wrote: »
    Ugg. Another poster who does not understand math, statistics, or RNG. Keep track all you want. It does not change the number for drop rates.

    Except when it does, because there are threads on this site, and on reddit, that show with plenty of data drop rates are not always what they seem. The problem with your attitude, and that of many others, is that you act as though this is written in lore thousands of years ago, but NEVER have anything to back it up. Like some CG muppet, you just spout off that it's 33% forever and can never possibly change. The scariest part is how disparaging you are, claiming that someone who doesn't agree about your take on drop rate must not know math. This is just flat out immature, insulting, harassment from a small-minded ****.

    Have you seen the patent thread on what EA is doing in scaling drop rates (I can state with CERTAINTY it is not always 33% based on EA documents)? If not, read up on "Dynamic Difficulty," because the game IS set to scale drop rates. Are you aware the 33% was only ever promised for Cantina, and that LS/DS drop rates are often quite different? Some drop rates are MEANT to be at 4%, for example.

    Making blanket, dogmatic statements like this doesn't help anyone, and doesn't reflect well on you.
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    enltguy wrote: »
    DadKev wrote: »
    Ugg. Another poster who does not understand math, statistics, or RNG. Keep track all you want. It does not change the number for drop rates.

    Except when it does, because there are threads on this site, and on reddit, that show with plenty of data drop rates are not always what they seem. The problem with your attitude, and that of many others, is that you act as though this is written in lore thousands of years ago, but NEVER have anything to back it up. Like some CG muppet, you just spout off that it's 33% forever and can never possibly change. The scariest part is how disparaging you are, claiming that someone who doesn't agree about your take on drop rate must not know math. This is just flat out immature, insulting, harassment from a small-minded ****.

    Have you seen the patent thread on what EA is doing in scaling drop rates (I can state with CERTAINTY it is not always 33% based on EA documents)? If not, read up on "Dynamic Difficulty," because the game IS set to scale drop rates. Are you aware the 33% was only ever promised for Cantina, and that LS/DS drop rates are often quite different? Some drop rates are MEANT to be at 4%, for example.

    Making blanket, dogmatic statements like this doesn't help anyone, and doesn't reflect well on you.

    You know what probably doesn't help, necro'ing a thread from 3 years ago to lambast a guy who hasn't been online since December
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    enltguy wrote: »
    DadKev wrote: »
    Ugg. Another poster who does not understand math, statistics, or RNG. Keep track all you want. It does not change the number for drop rates.

    Except when it does, because there are threads on this site, and on reddit, that show with plenty of data drop rates are not always what they seem. The problem with your attitude, and that of many others, is that you act as though this is written in lore thousands of years ago, but NEVER have anything to back it up. Like some CG muppet, you just spout off that it's 33% forever and can never possibly change. The scariest part is how disparaging you are, claiming that someone who doesn't agree about your take on drop rate must not know math. This is just flat out immature, insulting, harassment from a small-minded ****.

    Have you seen the patent thread on what EA is doing in scaling drop rates (I can state with CERTAINTY it is not always 33% based on EA documents)? If not, read up on "Dynamic Difficulty," because the game IS set to scale drop rates. Are you aware the 33% was only ever promised for Cantina, and that LS/DS drop rates are often quite different? Some drop rates are MEANT to be at 4%, for example.

    Making blanket, dogmatic statements like this doesn't help anyone, and doesn't reflect well on you.

    Show me one thread on this site that shows drop rates are not what they seem - apart from the one I made about galactic chase drop rates being lowered.
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    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    A dude in my guild's alliance went 5/5 2 days in a row with Fallen Bastilla. I've never been that lucky.
    The odds of getting 10 shards in row are approximated 59,049 to 1 (imagine a pedantic C-3PO voice, if you like). If you have 50 guild members, who have all been active for 3 years or so (1000+ days) and have done, say 30 attempts each day, then (on average) it's probably happened to three guildmates. So, all in all, not unexpected.

    I've had more back to back days of 0/5 than I'd like to admit.
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