Kit Fisto does not process Potency Up since patch

246 posts Member
edited March 2016
I have used Kit Fisto in several GW battles since the patch. Either I am having a run of bad luck or he missed Potency up 7 times in a row. I will keep monitoring this. Anyone else experience this?

Yes, I was having bad luck. It did process on one of his attacks. This is not a bug, delete this post.
Character Name: Nofaultius
Post edited by fasterthanyous on


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    I've not been able to get it to work either but Kloon has a 40% Chance for offinse down for 2 turns and never works either so 2 Jedi has run into trouble since the patch.
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    BUMP! I have used him more since my last post. He NEVER lands potency up anymore. Can someone else verify this please.
    Character Name: Nofaultius
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    Seen both Fisto's potency up and Kloon's offense down proc. Kloon's problem is low potency, so if you notice "resist" fly-texts next time you use it, that's because they're resisting the debuff's effects.

    Fisto's Potency up proc is low %. Sounds like bad luck to me.
  • Achilles
    1380 posts Member
    I use him on light missions only (because i got him to 2 star only and his AoE speeds up the auto-run-farming on lower level missions) - there his potency up works.
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    confirmed, doesnt buff up, counter also 15% maybe...
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