180mm Indy guild looking for up to 3!

The Jëdï Warrior Cult is looking to bring on up to 3 new members. We have immediate space open for one and a few inactives that can be removed if someone wants to join with friends.

We are fully independent and fully heroic. (HSTR is on cruise control at this point) The vibe is pretty laid back, we just ask that you participate fully in TB/TW. Geo is currently tracking for 18-19*

Message me in game at ally code: 556-619-254 on LINE at: Wookiemonster or just apply through the guild search.

You should have at least 2.5mm GP, at least one form of revan team, and several focused teams to help out on TW.

There is a discord server which is purely optional if you want access to bots and most of our chat is done on LINE or in-game.


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