Why does the game freeze at the WORST times....?

Ever since the relic roll out the game continues to freeze up on me. Not once, not twice, not three times, but around 7 or 8 times and counting. It would be nice if it were to freeze when I'm not (1) attempting the special missions during Geo TB (2) fighting an arena battle or (3) fighting the hardest battle in my GA round. I'm fairly confident I will be losing this GA round, much thanks!! Keep up the great work!! Solid performance as of late, you guys at CG are top notch!

Pixel2 running android 10.


  • GBahia03
    242 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Just get an apple.

    They're pretty tasty
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    no apple for me.

    On another note, the game just froze again on my alt account during another hard GA match. this sucz.
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    I've had it happen in a sure 4/4 Geotb match (R7 GG +g12 droids), an assault battle (no biggie), and a squad arena match. Common denominator so far appears to be an an AoE with lots of damage numbers displayed. Animation stutters and never recovers. Pixel 2xl, And10
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    Similar behaviour in many aspect of game, as @kalidor wrote, animation stutters and never recovers though i have noticed this occurs after game is running for a few hours without restart. Sounds like a memory leak
    Phone is samsung notes 9, 4 months old.
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    GBahia03 wrote: »
    Just get an apple.

    They're pretty tasty

    No wonder you suck!!!!!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Your topic has been moved to the Bugs and Issues Archive. For better assistance and functionality, please report your bug over at Answers HQ.

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